The Other Side Of Potential

Episode 100: Connecting to Our Essence and Creating Meaning from Within

Sharon Spano Episode 100

The quest to find meaning is central to the human experience, and often in today’s world, this is measured by external metrics of success. But in an ever-changing world, holding onto what defines us externally, only creates difficulty and struggle within. This is why today’s guest, Elle Price, believes that by tuning into your heart and the divine, it is possible to create a meaningful and prosperous life from within. With a 20-year background in business, including being a CEO of a multi-million-dollar company, Elle blends her modern wisdom with ancient healing methodologies for a transformation of mind, body, and spirit. After she exceeded her expectations, Elle found herself on the other side, asking the profound question, “Is this all?” It wasn’t that she was unhappy, but rather that she desired something more. In this episode, after Elle talks about her alternative methodologies learning journey, we dive into exploring a superpower we all possess — Manifestation. We all can attract abundance in any form into our lives, but it requires us to do work. This work departs from our conventional understanding of effort and toil and instead calls for us to connect with our hearts. We also delve into somatic healing, which is often overlooked. Our discussion also touches on how little effort it takes to make things happen once you use your manifestation powers and finding a resonant course of healing, rather than following someone else’s. Be sure to tune in today!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Elle’s journey from the corporate world to the transformational works she now does.
  • Is there more? The profound question that led Elle on the path of learning about alternative healing methodologies and herself.
  • Hear about what Elle is seeing in her clients who are searching for meaning.
  • The superpower of manifestation and how it helps us create new realities.
  • The definition of manifestation and how it works with universal alignment and attraction.
  • Elle’s heart-healing practice and how it reconnects people with their guiding intuition.
  • An explanation of the chakra system and how the heart chakra connects earth and spiritual selves.
  • In this white-collar obsessed world, we live in, we are detached from our emotions.
  • Elle’s advice on stepping into doing the work to foster deeper alignment.
  • Learn more about some energetic release work and techniques.
  • Important questions to ask to become more connected with your heart and what it wants
  • ‘The work’ cannot be done only at a cognitive level — so much is stored in our bodies.
  • Sharon’s story of her son’s passing and the healing journey she had to go on.
  • The role that ‘fast success’ has played in younger people’s search for meaning.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:


Heart-Healing Ritual Download

Joe Dispenza

Becoming Supernatural

Gregg Braden

Steve Jobs



How to Believe in the Age of Disbelief

Sharon Spano 

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