The Other Side Of Potential

Episode 118: The Frequency of Money (Part 1) with Dr. Susan Nicholas

Sharon Spano Episode 118

Today, we welcome Dr. Susan Nicholas, a 25-year healthcare industry professional who has worn many hats. She is a former physician and cardiothoracic surgeon with 25 years of experience in the healthcare industry who, after a conscious awakening in 2012, transitioned into soul healing work. She is now a telepathic medical intuitive and energy healer, a three-time author, and an international speaker on life transformation. Her signature talk, ‘The Frequency of Money’, helps individuals heal their relationship with money in order to live worry-free, prosperous, and happy.

A serial entrepreneur, Dr. Nicholas is the founder of and the Human Consciousness Consortium, as well as the author of The Duality of Being: Perspectives from Multidimensional Travel, and an illustrated children’s book series. Two Parts of Me: I Am More Than My Body is the first in her conscious children’s book series and the second title, The Death of Cupcake: A Child’s Experience with Loss, was published in November 2020. Her diverse work has a common thread: to awaken humanity to consciousness. When she is not writing, speaking, or working one-to-one with clients to transform their lives, she can be found hosting her weekly Be Conscious Podcast.

Today, Dr. Nicholas is here to share her teachings around money. It's certainly very relevant to those of you in family businesses, as well as any of us right now in the middle of the COVID pandemic. Tune in to hear about generational poverty, the frequency of money, and what it means to really step into your own choices, as well as the importance of taking responsibility for your choices and manifesting what you want in your life moving forward.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:

  • Hear about Dr. Nicholas’ journey of overcoming generational poverty and low self-worth.
  • What it means to release and transform energy and why Dr. Nicholas says it’s an inside job.
  • When there are recurring patterns in our lives, they are often to do with our finances.
  • Why Dr. Nicholas doesn’t believe in coincidences: she believes that it is all by design.
  • The pivotal moment or crisis awakening in Dr. Nicholas’ career that caused her to shift focus. 
  • Her journey into deeper awareness began with going to business school, starting a company, and failing.
  • Hear about Dr Nicholas’ four prevailing constructs: time, money, race and religion.
  • Dr. Nicholas offers an understanding of manifestation and the power of our thoughts.
  • Beginning the process of transformation: become aware, breathe, notice the sensations, and then change the narrative.
  • The value of allowing the universe to work for you; believe that it serves our highest good!
  • Dr. Nicholas explains that the only thing holding you back is you, your foundational beliefs.
  • How to honor what came before you without allowing negativity, shame, or generational poverty to control you.
  • Find out when Dr. Nicholas chose to be something other than a victim of her circumstances.
  • Victimhood versus choice: Why Dr. Nicholas believes that we create our own lives.
  • We can learn what is fed to us or we can question it; why critical thinking is key.
  • Why Dr. Nicholas believes that it only takes one individual to embark on this enlightened path to transform it all.
  • Hear a bit more about Dr. Nicholas’ book, The Death of Cupcake, which deals with loss.

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