The Game Changers

Requires No Talent

January 30, 2023 Dale Dixon Season 2 Episode 253

Supercharge your team with an approach that requires no talent. Clarity is the powerful tool to create success in your leadership. Clarity takes no talent. But, it takes tremendous skill. In this episode, learn how to develop the clarity skill with a set of specific tools to use with your team to create new levels of clarity.

[0:00] Make it as  clear as possible with the things you actually have influence over in can.
That's what creates the moment there's a lot of dynamics that are happening from from a uncertainty Stan.

[0:14] But if we can create as much certainty with the things that we can actually control like being on the same page like consistently moving in the direction.

[0:23] In it what it does to is it actually empowers us to a.

[0:28] Two changes unleashing your best in life and work this is the game changers with Eric bolts and host Dale Dixon
finding Clarity to unleash your best in life and work welcome to the game changers podcast I'm your host Dale Dixon along with Eric Bowles who coaches trains and inspires leaders to unleash their potential
and the potential of those around them fantastic to be with you again Eric
always great being with you my brother so we always like to Dive Right In to the content and we talked about the amount of travel that you have been engaged in and the
the number of conversations you're having around this idea of clarity and
how hard it is to achieve for businesses and how important it is to do well.
Yeah sis up on the clarity front Okay so on the clarity front with you Dale you and I we.

[1:22] It's not a thin not only have we talked about it but it's something we're going to continue to talk about right because the way I like to describe clarity,
is even in whether it's business Sports whatever there's something called T and T right in we call it explosive plays think.
What people consider game-changing moments and when you hear the word TNT typically people are thinking.
Explosions right but what TNT actually stands for is takes no Talent,
okay we win games we win it business we get things done we reach reached results with many of the things that take no
Talent what happens most of the time in most organizations businesses even in sports is we have to use.
To make up for the things that took know Talent if we would have just done the things properly like if this was football if you just lined up in the refer in the right place in the first place it makes all the difference in the world in business if we would have just taken a little more time.

[2:27] Truly ensuring that we're speaking the same language that we're creating Common Ground even the word communication what it means is common ground and we are so quick to move from the conversation to activity.
That it creates problems so in my travels I've been all over the in this short period of time then all over the world and what's fascinating me more than anything was.
The the same theme.
Was everywhere even though it may be described differently like chemistry or we need to get alignment or we do but.
At the root of each of these challenges many times deal where people assumed it was maybe a personality conflict or different priorities or whatever really it was just confusion in the first.

[3:15] That we were people were having they were using the same words.
But those pictures didn't match they didn't realize that our pictures didn't match so when we said hey we need to move with urgency,
great but if you don't Define urgency if you don't measure it see if what you know you're just seeing my urgency aren't quite the same you know and so instead of getting clear there,
we will then not move fast enough and people will sign.

[3:41] They're just not engaged or I need some sort of step up and they're not stepping up and these are the kind of things that we were seeing when I was traveling across the board.
I want to go back to TNT takes no talent and make sure that we are all clear that just because on the field
in the boardroom,
it doesn't take talent but it takes skill and skill is something we work on over and over again so today we're talking about developing the skills for clarity,
yes so one of the things we use often is and I used it a little earlier but think about a coach who's having that conversation with this team.
There's no one on the team who's not talented or you wouldn't be there.
So you know to think we're going to win just because we're more towns that we only when we're more talented when we do the things that take no Talent properly.
That's the only way well in business I asked leaders this often I said listen how well or how effective are you right now at the things that take.
No money.
Okay having Clarity in a meeting that you have all the time is huge so why would you.

[4:59] It just evaluate how much money is in the room all ready to leave that room and not be on the same page when you can get there.

[5:08] Is is Criminal and the cost of that confusion
is not only in frustration but it's time its energy its waste is all those things and it's not always looked at like that so you know when we talk about Clarity and they on these travels I've gone into
I've said it before but really being clear on the same page what are we doing you know what is it that we want what are we going after what's the problem these these simple questions what why how flexibility.
Cost of inaction and making sure we're all on the same page with that and,
I'll give you one at one example Delta one client who's I mean we're talking about 100 million 100 million plus with a particular project and one of the leading project managers one of the leaders of it,
had a great conversation with me she's a powerful leader but it was so good where she just sat there and said I've had the pause.
Because the more conversations we've had around something we've already budgeted for and spending money we need to slow down because we are not,
is tight we're not on the same page as much as we thought we were and I said you may have started on the same page you may begin on the same but once people get going.
They forget to come back to make sure we are still connected that we are moving in the same direction and it's a simple thing.

[6:34] I know I use football a lot but I just think is a great example there's a reason why we have to continuously huddle.
Right I mean we love the no-huddle office and that usually looks really good in you know and.
Into the game or there's a lot of colleges as do it but that's college football that's not profile.
Right nobody can run no huddle in pro football why because the defense is to strategic they're too sophisticated they're they're playing more games it's not that simple and I will say the same thing for those of us who are in business that what we're.
What's there's too many variables in the equation that are complex so we have to make sure that things that we can make clear and make simplify that we do.
If we don't do that.
What's complex about the variables that can influence us that we don't have control over and then what we do have control or ends up complex which makes it more confusing now we're getting hit twice.
So step number one I hear you say is that it requires regular check-ins it's the it's the consistent huddle because I don't think many of us in leadership.
Will pause and actually have the level of conversation that the executive head with you to say wait a minute I don't think we're clear it's we've talked about it we agreed and we're moving forward we've got to get things done yep.

[7:59] You what you just said it is where the fallacy is where the where we have a tendency to not
to overlook how significant that moment is I like to remind leaders and everyone listening this is for us personally even think about it in your own home.

[8:15] What you say is not as important as what the other person understands is so so it's probably a good idea to make sure we all understand think about the word understand.
We must was under us we stand under the that we meet
we all need to be able stand on this so let's make sure what we're standing on is solid and it only requires a little more conversation like a simple question like okay tell guys or team
tell me what you heard
tell me what you're hearing what tell me what you're picturing when I say this what did we just agree to these little statements to make sure before we run up to the line of scrimmage and I'm using footballs analogy but it's so good you can have
everybody super talented.
But if we get up to the line of scrimmage and you either forget to play or you forget this the count that is on and all of a sudden you hear it see somebody jumps off false starts we gotta go back five yards.
That completely changes the play we can run that completely changes what we can do we're actually going backwards,
in the defense didn't even have to make a play it was just our lack of execution or Clarity on our side and this is why the emphasis in don't get me wrong I am,
I love inspiration I love being fired up I love motivation I you know that's that's I'm that's what I'm about.

[9:39] Do not confuse I like I never want people to don't confuse the value of intensity over consistency I take consistency all
day-long consistent execution done the right weight leads to big plays
intensity is we have to create a trick play to try to make up for what we can't do consistently and that's bad way to lead and bad way to run a business.
I'm thinking of the communication Axiom there's the message I intend to send there's the message I send and then there's the message received and usually the three.
Don't line up yes we've got to remember that because we forget in the moment yeah so if we,
no go ahead no I was just going to say this to and for the leaders who are here in the yet there is a one subtlety this but that I've been really challenging teams.
And it especially when we're all adults understand in our homes with our kids or whatever capable but as adults on teams.

[10:39] There's a huge responsibility for the leader to create Clarity and give Clarity but that's not a One Direction.
Issue we're all responsible so that means when the teams here in and they're not clear to not ask for clarity is foolish as well.
To go out there without clear information and work really hard only to come back and realize it was the wrong thing don't just be met the leader also look at yourself going what could I have asked what could I have push for what could I.
To make sure I'm in alignment these days of just shaking my head yes that I get it,
when you really don't why not make sure you do don't let ego or fear of how you're going to be viewed or people say that's not the case with many times that's what's going on I mean we leave too many conversations with action.

[11:29] And almost lose sight on what is it we're trying to accomplish what are we actually trying to do and when we asked these clarifying questions strong enough.
We might find new methods to get the same thing done way more efficiently.
So these are the kind of I've been encouraging leaders to have now.

[11:47] It can feel like you're going slow when you're having these conversations puts you're not this is why L have to think differently do not.
Fuse being busy with being productive we have to fight that there's a part of all of us that feels were only getting some done when removing,
you're just spinning you're not moving like the goal is to make progress there's nothing worse than watching a ballplayer an athlete you know whether it's football basketball,
just moving a whole lot of just moving like crazy not going anywhere just going side to side you know PSI line is 53 yards they went all the way of sideline to sideline but at the end of the play they gained three yards that is just.
Waist and so I encourage leaders to please don't view this as we don't have enough time.
Actually you can't afford not to do it because if you don't do it initially you're going to end up having to do it again.

[12:43] Absolutely I think of this from the standpoint what you just shared as the opportunity to lead from the middle and we have
folks who are in organizations they might not be in that leadership role but there is a massive opportunity to lead from where they're at no matter where they're at in the organization and
this idea of getting Clarity is the perfect opportunity because I guarantee you if you're not a hundred percent clear.
Most of the room is not 100% clear whoever is listening to this podcast please hear what deal just said.
I have in my coaching experience now you know when people ask you to build those who I coach with all these leaders and CEOs and stuff that coach right now they weren't always in that role.
So many of my was coaching when they were at the top and they were big they weren't even in the middle they were you know little further out in Organization for.

[13:41] But by learning to practice that,
they became invaluable on so many teams they were part of their influence grew not because of their job description but they wouldn't leave a meeting,
until they had Clarity and they assumed know if and then be okay with it like hey I'm okay not having clear one of the things I I worked hard so they would ask that question so that would create influence
I remember one time my youngest daughter who had some struggles from learning challenges that that she had and they were she went through accommodations different things she did it and it's been able to
just Thrive right but one of the things we did early when she would be a little bit embarrassed too
you know if she didn't understand something because I held it process for her and she would literally come home sit down I'm just upset I didn't get it I said but did you asked did you
ask the teacher did you ask then she goes well no honor so I was like honey you will never be in trouble for your grades.
I will never get on you for me but if I ever hear.
That you had the opportunity to get clarity but fear stop you from asking for it that's what the problem is going to be,
so I want you to go tomorrow and you practice asking questions of your professor of your teacher it doesn't matter what the other students think right I want you to get resilient with asking for that.

[15:09] Man I'm telling you fortunately for both my girls.
The amount of impact influence in that they've grown is because they're willing to ask the question only to discover half the room had the same question.
But they would not let it go so Madison was stand up and go if even if somebody would happen before it's like.
It was like I don't mind any Europeans I am going to get clarity here because I don't understand and what was amazing is how often it help the teacher.

[15:39] Create greater Clarity for everyone else so when we ask these questions for clarity it's not just for our benefit,
I promise you everybody benefits and that is the definition of a leader it doesn't matter job title doesn't matter job description that practice is the very definition of growing in our leadership.
For those driving who cannot take notes I'm.

[16:02] Just capturing these points so number one it's regularly check in it's the constant it's the it's the continual huddle so to speak number two
checking for clarity both directions this is the lead from the middle opportunity and the third thing is that we've got to recognize our fear and power through it and it's the fear of how we're going to be perceived by others and all these are very
tightly intertwined but it's really this process we're laying out for listeners to better understand these are the,
tactical actionable things that I need to be doing daily this is the skill set this is just doesn't take Talent this takes skill to do this.

[16:43] Just the practice of this over and over in practice in every area so so when I say practice area start asking questions tell me what you heard.
When are we seeing the same thing let me tell you what I see when you say that like we that kind of descriptive words it allows us to picture the same thing we say it again we have not communicated until our pictures match.
It's when our pictures match and I always say what gets picture gets done not necessarily with said gets done so it's very important that we understand the value and leaders that is our job our job we know clarity.

[17:21] Increases Effectiveness I mean it has a compound effect on on effectiveness,
confusion does the very opposite and many times confusion.
Is more result of neglect than anything else we just in stay on it long enough we left it too soon in the leaders we have to we have to be careful of leaders to because many of the things that we.
Tell people we want done or whatever we may have spent a lot more time thinking about it and talking about it than the audience who has to carry it out.

[17:52] It's also keep that in mind that just because you think you're tired of saying the same thing over and over again it doesn't mean the same audience members is heard the same thing over and over
Again by the time you get tired of saying it you just gotten started and you have to close that would asking tell me what you heard tell me when I say that what do you see
that is your job we are job is to eliminate as much confusion out of the way as possible.
I work with a leader who likes to ask the question and talk about what does good look like in the situation and if it's a project it helps us see the end.
From the beginning what does what does good look like so it's another tool I think in that toolbox of conversation starters no matter and it's a great opportunity to get clarity if your
being directed by somebody to scho start a project so what does good look like in this situation yep yep every single time
Stephen Covey I mean we all know that when he said begin with the end in mind and but begin with the end in mind that means begin having real Clarity of what the end in mind looks like like if we can we don't spend enough time on that
and then as a result we spend most of our time on the actions to be taken.

[19:14] And then when those aren't the right actions now we open up the door for frustration feels like my leader doesn't appreciate me I want to be rewarded for work.
That even though even though if I was busy it didn't necessarily create a lot of value.

[19:29] But because of the incredible value on upset that you don't value it anyways I mean all these little things go on and I always felt like my father
being up for a password the retired Pastor used to say so well he said son if there's over and over he said son if it's cloudy in the pulpit
is it raining in the congregation right so there's confusion at the top there's a high probability that confusion is.
Multiply significantly further out into the organization,
so what are some other ways and other checks and balances that that need to be put in place to ensure clarity
yeah for clarity we always talk about these check-ins of these Huddle's this Clarity works at every level within the organization and so we're even talking about click Clarity even helps us make sure that we don't start a day
even a team does it started.

[20:20] Until they know what the what does a good play look like what is a good day look like what does this next good our look like it's just it's just a quick little reminder so we know we're on
wait right it is in in practical ways sometimes for leaders I asked you to just do skip level check it this isn't formal it can be done informally,
you know you go outside hey tell me what matters most tell me what you working on today turn right and it just allows everybody to have a clearer picture of what's being done at the end of the day do we trust yes but I was it Ronald Reagan say we trust but we verify,
right like we want to,
verify and again the purpose isn't for micromanaging the purpose isn't just the purpose is we can't afford the waste
that comes all everybody's going to work hard anyways but to be working hard on the wrong thing or into not maximizing our effort and when all this work is focused and directed in the same place.
You can even measure the compound effect of that I mean that did it it's just that that's what Synergy is in many times we don't get the benefit of synergy
simply because the confusion not because of lack of talent not because of lack of want to
if there's a everybody wants to it's just the skill to stay there until everything you are clear as much as possible we do exactly what it is we got to do.

[21:42] So is this one of if not the biggest challenges you see in businesses as you're working in so many.

[21:52] Different companies around the yeah I'll deal I would say absolutely right now it is in the reason is there's so much uncertainty surrounding everything.
So you know there was a I would say it this way man when,
you know people often use Sports as an analogy for business and I would say in some cases yes but business is way harder because in sports most of the rules never change like the football fields the same size like,
you know they we might complain about certain rules but the you know basketball hoops the same height tracking for this still 100 meters like all these different things well in business.

[22:33] Was in bounds and out of bounds keeps changing was okay what is it I mean there's so many variables that change the way the game is played in terms of how its impact and so when when I'm when When leaders are
when we're having this conversation is getting is clear as possible with the things you actually have influence over and can control
that's what creates the momentum there's a lot of dynamics that are happening from from uncertainty standpoint.

[23:02] But if we can create as much certainty with the things that we can actually control like being on the same page like consistently moving in the direction like in it what it does to is it actually empowers us to adapt quicker.
Two changes right because we're already on the same page but if we're not and then the variables hit us that we don't have control over.
Then all of a sudden it can really throw us that's why when we talk about clarity about being flexible on the how we can be flexible on the howl when we're a tight unit we're a tight team but if we can't you know if we're not tight,
in variables from the house I hit us I mean s hard to recover it's hard to adapt.

[23:47] Well you have given us some really good things to go and practice today any other any final words for us.
No just just like we say every time I'm going to say each and every time like what we're describing around Clarity like all the other thing we do is this these are just these are the foundations for winning habits not just winning games it's the winning have it.
The winning the game follows but these habits are or was in front and the.

[24:15] The return on the investment of gaining Clarity these little 1 minute 2 minute 3 minute 5 minute ditional conversations after a meeting.

[24:24] You can't even measure the return on that right and so that's I just encourage everybody realizes progression not Perfection but this is the beginning of winning habits.
We just do our best practice it daily progression not perfection marinate on that one,
yeah that's fantastic alright Eric thank you so much I just a quick housekeeping items if you have not subscribed to this podcast please find your favorite podcast app
And subscribe while you're there we would really appreciate you rating and reviewing this podcast it means a lot we'd love to hear the feedback number one feedback is the fuel of Champions and so
your feedback is appreciated hopefully we have learned that five-star review that also helps others find this podcast so your rating review really important along with subscription and then finally if you would pass this episode on to.
Would benefit that would be fantastic.

[25:24] This is the game changers podcast with Eric Bowles who coaches trains and inspires leaders to unleash their potential and the potential of those around them.
You can learn more about Eric at the game changers and can always reach out to him on LinkedIn as well he's.

[25:44] On the socials thank you Eric you have a fantastic week you can we will talk to you next time.

[25:51] The game changers unleashing your best in life and work with Eric Bowles and Dale Dixon.
Eric is an executive coach leadership expert change consultant and keynote speaker.
Read his book Moving to great and find him at Eric connect with Dale at Dale Dixon

[26:10] Music.