The Three Links Odd Cast

Fundraiser For Ukraine

March 12, 2022 Toby Hanson, Ainslie Heilich, Sergio Paredes, Christopher McHale, Scott Moye Season 2 Episode 18

A week and a half ago, Brother John Reitzer-Smith was presiding over a lodge meeting as Noble Grand when the question arose if there were any Ukrainian Odd Fellows in need.  Within the span of a few days, Brother John had made contact with a lodge in Poland that, before the war in Ukraine, had been initiating Ukrainians with the intent to form lodges in that country.  Now those new Ukrainian Odd Fellows find themselves in severe distress as their wives and children flee their homes near Lviv for the relative safety of Wrocław, Poland.  The lodge in Wrocław is doing all they can to help care for the families of their refugee brothers who have stayed behind in Ukraine to defend their homeland.  Brother John's GoFundMe gives American Odd Fellows the opportunity to make small donations to support the relief effort of our Polish brothers as they care for the immediate needs of our Ukrainian refugee brothers and their families.