The Three Links Odd Cast

Three Links 'n' Ink

Toby Hanson, Ainslie Heilich, Sergio Paredes, Christopher McHale, Scott Moye Season 2 Episode 19

An interesting and unusual confluence has occurred where tattoo artists and Odd Fellowship have mixed, creating some interesting results.  From some of the most famous tattoo artists like Oliver Peck and Luke Wessman, down to the average corner tattoo shop owner, the stunning, bold symbols of Odd Fellowship have called out to the tattoo community and brought them into our august fraternity.  Their keen eye for visual communication has, in many cases, reinvigorated Odd Fellowship.  With so much similarity between Odd Fellows and tattoo artists it's a natural overlap.  In this episode we explore what makes Odd Fellowship so appealing to tattoo artists and why so many are drawn to our Order.  Brother Shayne Simmons, of Lorraine #4 in Louisville, KY, joins Ainslie and Toby to dish about the earlier days of tattooing, share how each of them got inspired to join the Order, and discuss what each of them sees in Odd Fellowship as tattoo artists.  The conversation meanders all over the place, including the idea of having Odd Fellows lodges set up recruiting displays at tattoo conventions.  The Shoutout goes to Tarpon Springs Lodge #34 of Florida for their 130th anniversary celebration.  Ainslie and Shayne both share their excitement for impending Degree Days—the first since the pandemic—and Toby talks about his upcoming trip to visit the Grand Sessions in Oregon and California.  All that and an update on Bro. John Reitzer-Smith's efforts to support our distressed Brothers in Ukraine.