The Three Links Odd Cast

Should We Pitch Our Tent?

Toby Hanson, Ainslie Heilich, Mike Duminiak Season 3 Episode 3

We had to call another audible at the line of scrimmage as our scheduled guest was out sick this episode.  With Sovereign Grand Lodge right around the corner we decided to discuss the Encampment branch of Odd Fellowship.  Once a vibrant and vital part of the Order, in many places it has atrophied to the point of irrelevance.  Toby, Ainslie, and Mike discuss whether it makes more sense to put an end to the Encampment branch and let it be remembered fondly from its glory days or whether it has a role to play in the Odd Fellowship of the future.  In keeping with the Encampment theme, the Shoutout this episode goes to the Grand Encampment of Oregon for their wonderful charitable project of collecting socks for the less fortunate.  In the Odd Podge, Toby tells about a new member who joined the Discord server (and Odd Fellowship) because of the podcast, Ainslie announces the launch of our new YouTube channel, and Mike talks about his impending appearance at the West Virginia Encampment Fish Fry (even though he doesn't like fish).