The Three Links Odd Cast

New Members' Insights

October 10, 2022 Toby Hanson, Ainslie Heilich, Mike Duminiak Season 3 Episode 7

Ainslie, Mike, and Toby are all experienced Odd Fellows.  They like to *think* they have a handle on what new members are looking for, but do they really?  To test that theory, they invited Josh Dandurand from Oregon and Randy & Caylee Chorrushi from West Virginia to come on the podcast and offer their insights.  All three are members who have joined within the last six months so their hot takes are still burning hot.  The conversation ranges from how degrees are performed to the lack of Odd Fellows swag to the controversial Supreme Being requirement.  All three new members have some great ideas and insights to share.  Maybe the old dogs can learn some new tricks from them.  Pueblo Lodge #8 in Colorado gets this episode's Shoutout for their excellent renovation work and community engagement.  The Odd Podge has Ainslie sharing about his trip to the Illinois Grand Sessions where he will be made a DDGM, Mike sharing his happiness with how active his new lodge members are and giving a preview of the Oddlympiad, a series of outdoor games with Odd twists.  Randy and Caylee talk about their excitement at having earned their Third Degrees so they can attend the West Virginia Grand Sessions.  Josh expresses his gratitude for being included in the podcast and gives a preview of his efforts to bring an AMOS Sanctorum to his part of Oregon.  Toby gloats over the Seattle Mariners' first postseason appearance in twenty-one years and also previews his trip to the Idaho Grand Sessions.