The Three Links Odd Cast

Kitchen Table Lodge

January 23, 2023 Toby Hanson, Ainslie Heilich, Mike Duminiak Season 3 Episode 14

Inspired by a recent series of emails from a listener, Ainslie and Toby discuss the phenomenon of "kitchen table lodges"—those lodges which don't do any ritual or hold formal meetings.  Instead, they meet informally around a table to do the minimum amount of business.  As more and more people are finding their way to Odd Fellowship, more new members are running into the discouragement of a kitchen table lodge.  The hosts discuss the situation and offer some suggestions to help members who find themselves in such a lodge.  There's no lodge Shoutout this episode because none has been nominated, which just means that we would love to hear about your lodge and what you're doing to make it thrive.  The Odd Podge is all about the Odd Fellows' Primer and its two new formats: eBook and audiobook.