The Three Links Odd Cast

San Fernando Renaissance

Toby Hanson, Ainslie Heilich, Sergio Paredes Season 1 Episode 5

Ten years ago San Fernando Lodge #365 was slowly dying like so many other lodges.  Their building was dingy and most people only knew it for the church that met there.  In the decade since, the lodge has completely transformed itself into the social and fraternal hub of San Fernando, California.  Brothers Jesus Ochoa and Jesse Garcia join us to talk about the transformation of their lodge and what they've done to bring it about.  With the right people and the right efforts, any lodge can be reborn just like San Fernando.  Also this episode, Ainslie shares a special gift from the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire, Sergio talks about the podcast's new website, and Toby shares the news about new musical arrangements for our beloved odes.