The Three Links Odd Cast

Musical Heritage of Odd Fellowship

April 05, 2021 Toby Hanson, Ainslie Heilich, Sergio Paredes Season 1 Episode 23

Odd Fellowship has a long heritage of music, much of which has been forgotten.  In this episode we explore the mysteries of the Ode Book and other forgotten pieces of Odd Fellows music.  PGP John H. Seiffert, a Lutheran church music director in his professional life, dedicated a large amount of time to compiling the IOOF Odes, published by Sovereign Grand Lodge first in 1877 and then subsequently several times thereafter.  The Ode Book includes several settings of the Opening and Closing Ode as well as settings of odes and songs for other lodge occasions such as hall dedications, anniversaries, installations of officers and funerals.  The ritual also contains quite a bit of music, especially for the Initiatory Degree.  Beyond just the music suggested for lodge use, there was a lot of popular music of the 19th Century written by, for, and about Odd Fellows and we give a survey of that music as well.  Settle in for this episode—it's a long one at over two hours.  We're sure you will enjoy every minute of it as much as we enjoyed making it.