The Three Links Odd Cast

Fraternal History in the UK

Toby Hanson, Ainslie Heilich, Sergio Paredes Season 1 Episode 27

Prompted by a character in an old episode of Star Trek, Owen Snowdon wanted to grow up and wear a sash.  His grandfather, a member of the Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes, promised him that one day he would be able to do just that.  That dream came true for him at age eighteen.  Now, five years later at twenty-three, Owen is a member of several branches of seven different fraternal orders and has become a researcher into the history of fraternal orders (or friendly societies, as they are called) in the UK.  Owen tells us about the first fraternity he joined, the aforementioned Antediluvian Buffaloes, the Orange Institute, and several others.  As an Odd Fellow of the Manchester Unity he gives some insight into the similarities between the Independent Order in North America and Manchester Unity in the UK.  He also gives the early history of Manchester Unity and the Grand United Order and how they were impacted by the religious schisms in British history.  He shares a recent discovery, the 1939 War Ritual of the Manchester Unity and talks about how the various fraternal orders bought ambulances as part of the war effort in WWI and WWII.  His most mysterious discovery was some records from the Easy Long Johns, a fraternity that apparently only existed in London and Newcastle.  For the Odd Podge, Christopher has changed lodges, Ainslie has planned a summer road trip in the Rocky Mountain states, Toby is going to the Grand Lodge of Wyoming, and Owen encourages younger people to join fraternal orders.  You can check out Owen's fraternal scholarship on his website at