The Three Links Odd Cast

Oregon's Online Sessions

Toby Hanson, Ainslie Heilich, Sergio Paredes Season 1 Episode 28

In 2020 almost all Odd Fellowship was put on hold, including most jurisdictional Grand Sessions.  For 2021, the jurisdiction of Oregon found some clever and elegant solutions to hold their Grand Lodge, Rebekah Assembly, and Grand Encampment sessions online.  Sister Pearlie Stewart, Grand Scribe of the Grand Encampment of Oregon, and Brother Brad Probst, technical coordinator for this year's Sessions, join us to share their experiences and the solutions they found to the challenges of having an online Grand Sessions.  Everything from the order of business to the handling of committee work to the installation of officers had to be modified to work within the confines of technology.  No aspect of Grand Sessions was affected more than nomination and election of officers.  Through it all, Pearlie, Brad, and Grand Secretary Ron Kunze did an excellent job along with the heads of the units to ensure a smooth, functional business meeting.  For the Odd Podge, Brothers Toby and Christopher share their adventures visiting the Grand Lodge of Wyoming and Brother Ainslie looks forward to his first in-person lodge meeting since the pandemic hit last year.  Note: there's no lodge shout-out again because we haven't received any nominations!  Be sure and tell us about lodges doing great work on our website at or in an email to