The Three Links Odd Cast

Do we deliver what we promise?

September 27, 2021 Toby Hanson, Ainslie Heilich, Sergio Paredes Season 2 Episode 5

Ainslie and Toby spend some time contemplating the culture clash that often happens when new members join lodges full of long-time members.  On the one side, there are eager new members who have just joined and have great ideas and can't wait to start changing things and getting their new lodge active.  On the other side there are members who have spent years perfecting the way they do things and don't like the disruption of new people with no history wanting to change things.  One of the essential questions for Odd Fellowship going forward is how to bring those two groups together so our lodges can benefit from the energy and enthusiasm of youth and the experience and wisdom of long-serving members.  Both hosts share their thoughts and their experiences dealing with those issues.  This episode's Shoutout goes to Fort Worth Lodge #251 in Texas for their excellent, award-winning display about Odd Fellowship at the State Fair of Texas.  In the Odd Podge, Toby reveals his latest book find—a vintage publication by Presley Horne, Past Grand Secretary of Idaho, while Ainslie updates the sales figures for the Odd Fellows' Primer.  Hint—it's bigger than anyone expected.  All this and Toby's admission that he is starting to miss attending the Northwest Odd Fellow and Rebekah Association Meetings while Ainslie is looking forward to the abbreviated Illinois Grand Lodge Sessions.