The Three Links Odd Cast

Thinking Like An Odd Fellow

Toby Hanson, Ainslie Heilich, Sergio Paredes Season 2 Episode 7

More than a decade ago, Scott Moye was just your average historian in Arkansas.  Fueled by a desire and curiosity to be a part of a fraternal order, he started looking around and researching and eventually landed on the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.  That journey eventually lead him to scholarship and the authorship of his new book, Think Like An Odd Fellow.  During this episode, Brother Scott describes his process of researching the book and digging deep into the history of Odd Fellows' philosophy and beliefs.  Along the way he found some amazing philosophies and beliefs which he has updated to make them easily accessible to a contemporary audience.  He also talks some about some of the less savory parts of our history which he encountered in his research.  Brother Scott shares how he's applied some of the philosophies outlined in his book, including in his prior career as an educator.  Since Toby and Scott are accordionists in addition to being Odd Fellows, accordion talk eventually intrudes on the conversation, along with some discussion of the frustration that new members eventually experience in lodge.  The Lodge Shoutout goes to a success story, Osage Lodge #712 of Pennsylvania, which was featured in our "Saving Lodges In Pennsylvania" episode.  They were saved and now have thirteen members and are running a fundraiser selling Odd Fellows rings.  For more information on the rings, email  For the Odd Podge, Toby shares about his upcoming trip to Eastern Washington to initiate some new members hoping to rebuild Odd Fellowship in that part of the state, Ainslie talks about his recent TV experience, and Scott hints at his next project in Odd Fellowship.