The Three Links Odd Cast

Finding A Lodge In The Wilderness

Toby Hanson, Ainslie Heilich, Sergio Paredes, Christopher McHale, Scott Moye Season 2 Episode 14

A popular novel inspired a curiosity about fraternalism back in 2016 for Gary Harper which led him to start researching various fraternal orders.  After some study, he settled on joining the Odd Fellows.  There was just one problem, however: he had no way of finding a lodge to join.  Various emails to addresses he had found online went unanswered for years until finally, in 2019, he visited the IOOF Subreddit and made contact with an Odd Fellow in a neighboring state who was able to help him make contact with his local lodge.  Despite all the challenges in making contact with the lodge, he was able to join in October of that year.  Since that time he's become an ardent Odd Fellow with a zeal for promoting the Order.  Instead of being bitter about his struggles to join Odd Fellowship, he is willing to share his story in hopes of making lodges more visible to their communities so that others may have an easier path to joining.  He gives us a glimpse into the growth of his lodge, Kanawha #25 in West Virginia, as well as his Encampment and Canton.  No lodge was nominated for a Shoutout this episode so all of you listeners are encouraged to send in your nominations.  In the Odd Podge, Scott tells about his search for former Odd Fellows Halls in Arkansas' capital; Ainsle shares the news about the Goat Riders, a booster club for the DeMoulin Museum in Greenville, IL; Gary shares his efforts to charter a new lodge in West Virginia; and Toby tells about the Past Grand Master who was remembered in history as "Washington's One-Day Governor."