The Real Hero

Finding Meaning in the Present Moment with Michael Ian Cedar

September 30, 2020 Andrew Winters Episode 25

In episode 25, Andrew Winters has a meaningful conversation with Leadership & Gratitude Coach, Skilled Facilitator, Keynote Speaker, and Modern day Yoda, Michael Ian Cedar. Michael and Andrew discuss the importance of gratitude, how we can train our mind to find/feel as well as express gratitude, the significance of our emotions and their role that they play in our daily lives. At the end of the podcast, Michael takes Andrew on a Gratitude Journey Exercise to unlock the power of living in the present moment and to help find the meaning behind the experience.

Key aspects to consider while listening:

- The meaning behind events play a bigger role than the destination.

- The importance of raising your conscious and understanding what your emotions can be telling you.

- Thinking of gratitude as a habit and not an act.

- Consider what you have at this moment and how can you build from that.

 If you enjoyed listening to this episode, please let Michael and myself know on social media - we would love to hear from all of you. Also, The Real Hero podcast can now be listened to on google podcasts,  Spotify, and of course iTunes on Apple Podcasts. If you do have the time and are an apple phone user,  you can leave a review here All reviews are greatly appreciated! @andrewdwinters  & @michaeliancedar

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