This Is A Voice

Career Mentoring and Vocal Habilitation - secrets of our 1-1 private coaching revealed

Jeremy Fisher and Dr Gillyanne Kayes Season 7 Episode 10

Wonder what we do in our private coaching sessions? It's a secret.

We don't normally reveal what happens (or who we work with) but in this podcast episode we're sharing some of the techniques and "happenings" that make up a great mentoring session.

Jeremy has a particular passion for mentoring other singers, singing teachers, Musical Directors, vocal coaches and choir leaders. He describes why his Career Mentoring sessions are becoming so popular.
Where do you want to be in a year? A small upgrade to your existing career, or a major change to get where you want to be? Your answers change his coaching!

Answer the questions on this simple form and find out more 

Gillyanne has been helping singers with post-surgery habilitation back into singing for decades. She shares the types of voice problems that appear in her Vocal Habilitation sessions.

0:00 Career mentoring - how many sessions?
3:54 The most important thing Jeremy does
6:58 How being a collaborative pianist helps
9:22 Gillyanne's collaboration story
10:54 Using the skills you've got
12:36 Gillyanne on vocal post-rehabilitation
13:39 Difference between technical issue & voice problem
16:38 Gillyanne's personal voice problem story
19:41 Where to see Gillyanne's case histories
23:17 Gillyanne's other happy place
26:05 Why we don't have an agenda

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TIAV S7 Ep10 Career Mentoring and Vocal Habilitation

[00:00:00] Jeremy: The whole career mentoring thing. Mm-hmm. I mean, in answer to your original question, no, I didn't expect to go here at all. Mm-hmm. But what I discovered is that I have those skills and it's like, why would I not use the skills that I've got?

[00:00:12] Mm-hmm. I discovered I was really good at it and people really responded. Mm-hmm. And um, some people come for one session and that's all it takes. Mm-hmm. And some people come for a couple, and I've had one person who's come for three. And really, once you've done three sessions, the ideas are so targeted and they're so precise and they're so in sync with what that person wants, that often you don't need more than two or three. Mm.

[00:00:39] And you know, it's like I then maybe get another session in six months time going, I have moved so much now. I just wanna embed what we talked about and, and is there anything else that I can do? So I love doing those sessions and I love helping people move up and onwards. It's one of my favorite things to do. Mm-hmm. This is a voice, a podcast with Dr. Gillyanne Kayes and Jeremy Fisher. This is a Voice. 

[00:01:22] Hello and welcome to This is a Voice, season seven, episode 10.

[00:01:26] Gillyanne: The podcast where we get Vocal about voice.

[00:01:28] Jeremy: I'm Jeremy Fisher. 

[00:01:29] Gillyanne: And I'm Dr. Gillyanne Kayes. 

[00:01:31] Jeremy: And we're carrying on the conversation about what is it that you actually do?

[00:01:35] What do you do in a one-to-one lesson? 

[00:01:37] Gillyanne: Yeah. It's a little bit more about, you know, what's a one-to-one session look like, cuz there's lots of different things that they can show up as. 

[00:01:47] Jeremy: Yeah, and we do, we do lots of different versions of it. 

[00:01:50] Gillyanne: So Jeremy, yes. I want you to talk a bit about something that you've actually been doing for many years but have started to do a lot more of recently.

[00:02:00] Yes. Which is career mentoring. 

[00:02:03] Jeremy: Love it. Love doing career mentoring and go. Okay, career mentoring session. What happens? Well, the first thing is somebody comes to me and says, I need help with my career. It's not going where I want it to go. I'm not getting the income I want. I'm not getting the students that I want.

[00:02:19] I'm not doing what it is that I want. I'm not even sure what it is that I want, but I know that I need to do something. Mm-hmm. Great place to start. So the first thing I do is send them a little, uh, form that says, in fact, you know, that form is now available on the website, so, uh, you can do the form even before you book the session.

[00:02:37] Gillyanne: Oh, that's great. 

[00:02:38] Jeremy: Uh, which is great fun because, 

[00:02:39] Gillyanne: so you're getting them to think before they even book up. 

[00:02:42] Jeremy: Yes. Yeah. Um, and the form basically says, what do you do? Where are you, uh, who do you work with? Who would you like to work with? Who would you like to be working with in a year's time? 

[00:02:54] Gillyanne: So, Jeremy, this, these people who come to you for career mentoring?

[00:02:58] Yeah. What we're talking about is they're people who are working in the Vocal world.

[00:03:03] Jeremy: Um, Vocal world, musical world, uh, presentation world. 

[00:03:07] Gillyanne: Oh, so could it be an MD or a collaborative pianist or something like that? 

[00:03:10] Jeremy: Absolutely. I did, um, a coaching session over the phone Yeah. A couple years ago with a conductor, uh, who really wanted to basically upgrade. Not the, not the conducting that she was doing, but the business she was doing. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So that was fun. Uh, so yeah, anybody who is working in the music industry. But also, um, I've actually done it with voiceover people as well. Mm-hmm. So people are working in the spoken voice industry too.

[00:03:38] Mm-hmm. So, uh, yeah, it's a really fascinating area for me. 

[00:03:42] Gillyanne: There's lots of different areas. Yep. And I'm gonna pin you down and say, what is it about the way you coach that allows you, you know, what's the, what's the thread? 

[00:03:54] Jeremy: Um, the first thing I do is listen. Mm-hmm. And sometimes that listening can be 20 minutes where the person just says, I'm here, I'm doing this. I'm not doing that. I don't wanna do this. I don't, I wanna do this. This is working. This isn't. I had this idea, um, I mean, in very interestingly, somebody, uh, did a session with me from America and they said it just happened to drop into that 20 minute conversation at the beginning. I'd always wanted to do this.

[00:04:23] And I went, oh, that's really interesting. And it was, wasn't exactly a career change, but it was a real sideline within the music industry. And I said, let, let's just explore that a little further. And I had an email from her, I think it was, uh, three weeks later going, I've done it. I am so thrilled. So she just shifted her focus to something else.

[00:04:44] Mm-hmm. Which I thought was really interesting. Uh, so yeah, I will listen and it's a skill because while I'm listening, I am analyzing, I'm doing the brain dump that we talked about in the last episode, analyzing where it is, what it is, um, what the steps might be to get to that place. If, if it's important place, uh, how that might affect the whole career.

[00:05:05] How it might affect the, the income, how it might affect the person, how it might affect their self worth. I mean, there's all sorts of things that that do because people can come, can, you know, share ideas with me and I go, that's very interesting. Let's explore just for a couple of minutes. And as we explore, they go, actually it's a lovely idea, but it won't work for me.

[00:05:26] But so often people need a sounding board. They need somebody to go, is this a sensible idea? Am I being completely ridiculous about this? So that's one of the things that I do, is I provide the sounding board. An active sounding board, if you like, because I will feed back to them. 

[00:05:41] Gillyanne: Mm. So, um, you are presumably also helping them to raise awareness of, of where they are, you know? Yes. Because particularly if we get stuck, you know, in a, in, in a particular rut with, um, our career, sometimes we can't even see what it is that we've got stuck in. Yes. And by having someone else as a sounding board, they can, you know, they can point that out.

[00:06:04] Jeremy: Yes. This is also about, and it's a very good question, do you just want to upgrade slightly what you do? Mm-hmm. Or do you want to take the next step up in your career ladder? Mm-hmm. And that's quite a different thing. It's actually quite a different conversation. Some people are absolutely ready to step up onto the next rung of the career ladder and will be, will do whatever it they need to do. Now that might be immediately, it might be over a month, it might be over six months. It doesn't really matter. It's why I asked the year question because the year is a very good period of time. Mm-hmm. To really upgrade what you do and step up a lot.

[00:06:42] So some people don't want that. They just want to go, how can I just tweak what I do to make it more comfortable for me? That's fine too. 

[00:06:50] Gillyanne: And you love these sessions, don't you? 

[00:06:52] Jeremy: I get, I get so much outta them. 

[00:06:54] Gillyanne: It's in a, it's a real happy place for you.

[00:06:56] Jeremy: It is it's, it is. Yeah. I love doing those. 

[00:06:58] Gillyanne: And is it somewhere that you expected to go? No. Uh, in your career? Because, you know, something's popped into my head. You started your career as a collaborative pianist? Yes. How has that enabled you to do career mentoring? Because I think there's a link. 

[00:07:18] Jeremy: I think there's quite a big link. Um, when you are a collaborative pianist, one of the things that you do, and it's built into the job description, is that you work with a lot of different people at the same time.

[00:07:31] Mm-hmm. And sometimes you work with a lot of different people at the same time on the same piece of music. Mm-hmm. And the really interesting thing about being a collaborative pianist is if you are gonna be any good at all, you cannot play the piece the same. Because if you play your version of the piano part of that piece, then you are not gonna fit with three or four different people who come into the room.

[00:07:53] Gillyanne: Mm. And that's not collaboration. 

[00:07:55] Jeremy: That's not collaboration at all. No. And I think it's really fascinating doing audition coach audition piano jobs, which I did for years in the West End. I was, I was the go-to audition pianist for all sorts of things. Um, mainly because I could sight read pretty much anything.

[00:08:11] And I also knew a whole lot of opera repertoire. So I was audition pianist for Phantom for years. Um, That you have to gel or vibe with somebody the moment they open their mouth. So you, you know, somebody starts to sing and you go, oh fine, I know this piece well enough. I know what, what's happening here.

[00:08:30] Um, you are going in this direction. Oh, okay, I can do that, that's fine. And I will play it differently. Depending on what, what anybody wants. So it's this idea that you have a global view of music and how it works and how it works in lots of different ways. And you take that into career coaching, which is your career is you, it's what you want to do, and therefore there are hundreds of different versions that you can do that are based around a music career. Quite often in a career coaching session, I will suggest something that they've never even thought of, and I'm going, it's so obvious, given your list of skills and your list of interests and where your energy is and where you want to go.

[00:09:13] So obvious to me that you should just look into going in this direction, even as a sideline, because you are gonna love it there. 

[00:09:22] Gillyanne: I want to tell a story. This will make you laugh with you talking about you listen to a singer and you pick up the vibe. Yes. Um, I dunno, 10 days ago we were driving back from visiting some friends in Wilshire and it was our dear colleague Anne Leatherland's birthday, and we were in a car park having a cup of tea and a brownie and I thought, well, you know, let, let's ring Anne and surprise her.

[00:09:48] Let's WhatsApp her and sing Happy Birthday. Yes. And I was very pleased with myself, you know, because, um, I thought I did some nice phrasing, uh, et cetera, et cetera. And what I noticed, I said to Jeremy, Oh, well, isn't that amazing? We're so in sync. We started on the same note. Yeah. And then, um, you know, we each seemed to know exactly what we were going to do with the phrasing.

[00:10:13] Yeah. And tell everybody what you said. 

[00:10:16] Jeremy: I'm a collaborative pianist. I just waited to see what you did and did it with you. 

[00:10:20] Gillyanne: I thought that I was quite amazing. 

[00:10:23] Jeremy: That, by the way, is also the skill of a collaborative pianist is the singer thinks they're better. 

[00:10:29] Gillyanne: It's good. Although I will say that a lot of my early career was as a choral singer though.

[00:10:33] So there was something about, you know, when you listen to each other and you hear blending, that phrase is about to slow down and we're coming up to a cadence here, we're gonna play here. Yeah. Um, so, um, I do think I collaborated quite well on that.

[00:10:46] Jeremy: You did, you did. It was a lovely collaboration. Well done.

[00:10:48] Gillyanne: Yeah. But, uh, it just made me smile thinking about it, that that's, that's what you do? 

[00:10:54] Jeremy: Yes. I think and the whole, the whole career mentoring thing. Mm-hmm. I mean, in answer to your original question, no, I didn't expect to go here at all. Mm-hmm. But what I discovered is that I have those skills and it's like, why would I not use the skills that I've got?

[00:11:09] Mm-hmm. I discovered I was really good at it and people really responded. Mm-hmm. And um, some people come for one session and that's all it takes. Mm-hmm. And some people come for a couple, and I've had one person who's come for three. And really, once you've done three sessions, the ideas are so targeted and they're so precise and they're so in sync with what that person wants, that often you don't need more than two or three. Mm.

[00:11:35] And you know, it's like I then maybe get another session in six months time going, I have moved so much now. I just wanna embed what we talked about and, and is there anything else that I can do? So I love doing those sessions and I love helping people move up and onwards. It's one of my favorite things to do.

[00:11:56] Mm-hmm. So if you, um, are even vaguely interested in a mentoring session on career coaching, then fill the form in. I'll put the link in the description of the podcast, fill the form in. Because actually even the act of filling the form in really helps you to see Oh, yes. How am I doing with my career?

[00:12:16] Where am I? Is there something that I want to change? Is there something that I want to improve? Uh, do I want to earn more money? Do I wanna earn more money for doing less? That's a question that comes up a lot. And the answer is yes, you can. Mm-hmm. I have answers for that too. So, yeah, fill the form in, and even if you don't send it, it's a real eye-opener.

[00:12:34] Gillyanne: Mmm. Thank you for that, Jeremy. 

[00:12:36] Jeremy: Yay. And now there's something that you do Gillyanne, which is you, and some of your one-to-one sessions are on Vocal habilitation. 

[00:12:45] Gillyanne: Yes, absolutely. Or perhaps more precisely Vocal post-rehabilitation. Yeah, this is a place that, um, I came to quite early on in my career because, you can't be working with multiple singers for years and years without coming across voice problems.

[00:13:05] And a voice problem is different from, um, a skills issue

[00:13:10] Jeremy: a technical issue 

[00:13:10] Gillyanne: as we all know. Yep. So we have different categories of voice problems or voice issues. I mean, and some of them obviously may require surgery and, uh, some of them are more about changing the function where we've got into, um, it's almost like having a repetitive strain injury.

[00:13:28] Mm-hmm. Um, in sports, uh, where something is in imbalance and therefore needs adjusting. So muscle tension dysphonia is the sort of generic term for that. 

[00:13:39] Jeremy: Can I be a little more specific on, um, where you are, which is the difference between a technical issue and a voice problem? 

[00:13:47] Gillyanne: Okay. Well, ask.

[00:13:48] Jeremy: I mean, you can, yeah, you can, you can correct me on this. Mm-hmm. It seems to me that a technical issue would be, well I can't sing that high note. Mm-hmm. I can sing it in that song, but I can't sing it in that song. Or I'd really love to be able to get louder sometimes. A voice problem has a longer term than that, so a voice problem will go across a whole song.

[00:14:09] It's like there are certain things that I know I can't do that aren't to do with a phrase, or they aren't to do with a word. They're to do with a whole song or a whole utterance.

[00:14:19] Gillyanne: And critically. It's something that you used to be able to do. Okay, good. So something has changed. 

[00:14:27] Jeremy: Nice point. Yes. 

[00:14:29] Gillyanne: And I think that's very important.

[00:14:31] So yeah, over the years I've worked with people sort of post-surgery on cysts, with polyps. Um, helped people recover with, you know, soft nodules, helped people deal with, having had a long-term nodule. Uh, nodules situation where they've become more firm. Um, and how do they get around that and go on and continue their career.

[00:14:57] I've done that too. That was a very interesting one. and then also helping people with muscle tension dysphonias, unpicking, you know, once there's a, a diagnosis or even if the diagnosis from the clinicians isn't always totally clear. Um, just looking at what it is that you can help the singer to change that behavior.

[00:15:18] Post their clinical therapy. So I'm not, uh, putting myself in the position of saying I am a clinician, because for me that's a boundary. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't be in dialogue with the speech and language therapist or sometimes being in dialogue with the laryngologist, if it's appropriate for me to have that information and if the client says yes.

[00:15:41] Jeremy: I think we talked about that in, in episode eight, I think of season seven. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, when we were talking about the, the boundary of a singing teacher or Vocal coach, which is you do not diagnose. Mm-hmm. You may assist you may give information to the clinician so that they can diagnose or rediagnose.

[00:15:59] Mm-hmm. But you don't do the diagnosis yourself. You're not qualified. Yeah. 

[00:16:03] Gillyanne: And I've had people that, uh, you know, at all sorts of different levels of expertise. So for instance, if I had choir singers, I've had, um, a barbershop singer who was referred to me by the Voice Clinic, um, amateur singers really wanting their voice back, getting their life back.

[00:16:21] I remember one very precious moment with one singer who had been a choral singer and suddenly wasn't able to use their voice. Um, when she felt she'd finished her session, she said, thank you for giving me my life back. 

[00:16:37] Jeremy: It's very powerful. 

[00:16:38] Gillyanne: Yeah. But then also working with professional singers who've run into trouble, which, you know, can happen to any of us at any stage.

[00:16:47] I've been quite open about the fact that in my late twenties I had a voice problem. I got into the situation where I would get up in the morning and wonder what I was going to experience that day. And I, unfortunately was put in the position of being told by singing teachers, it's all in your head, dear.

[00:17:07] Uh, that obviously was a very long time ago. And do you know, I said this to someone the other day and I'm about to swear everybody, so swear alert. Of course I'm having a psychological problem. My voice doesn't fucking work for me. So we do need to separate between those things. 

[00:17:26] Jeremy: Well, this is the really interesting thing. If your voice doesn't work for you, that's the instigator. The psychological problem is not necessarily the instigator.

[00:17:36] Gillyanne: I mean, of course there are psychogenic problems which impact on our voice and, and that again, can happen to anyone and you, you know, you need someone who has trained in that area to do that kind of diagnosis. That's not your job to do that as a singing teacher. If you suspect there's something of that nature, then it's about referring on and, and perhaps flagging it in, um, a kind, empathetic way for the singer concerned because, um, even saying that mm-hmm. You know, I know what I felt, which is blimey, it's not just my voice, it's me. Mm-hmm. 

[00:18:13] Jeremy: It's the core of you that's gone wrong. 

[00:18:15] Gillyanne: Yeah. Yeah. And that, that was very hard. Mm-hmm. So my happy place is they've had the operation, they've had their, you know, their rehabilitation. And they come to me and I go, okay, now what are we going to do to help you get back on track?

[00:18:33] Where are we? How are we going to start changing pathways if we need to. Mm-hmm. Or, um, rebuilding a pathway that's got a little bit lost because of surgery and, um, putting it into practice in your work environment. So be that whether you are a teacher or whether you are a choral singer, whether you are a professional singer, um, whatever your genre.

[00:18:57] I mean, I've worked with people from pretty much any genre in, in these situations and I just LOVE doing it. Mm-hmm. So if that's you, and this is a little bit of a shout out for what I do, if that's you, I do have more spaces for this kind of work. Mm-hmm. It is targeted. You don't have to have lessons forever and ever.

[00:19:23] Mm-hmm. Neither of us believes in that anyway. Nope. I am very, very happy to help and I have the knowledge and the ability to talk with your speech and language therapist or your laryngologist if needed, if you are comfortable with that information being shared. 

[00:19:41] Jeremy: Mm-hmm. Love that. Um, also, uh, if you want to watch Gillyanne Talking about case histories.

[00:19:49] Oh yes. Uh, then go to the 12 More Hours To Better Singing Teaching course, which has only just recently gone live. And that is, uh, we have a whole two hours on called My Singer Has a Voice Problem. On case histories and Gillyanne shares two, I mean, thank you to the two singers who have agreed to have their stuff shared.

[00:20:11] Mm-hmm. Um, two case histories are one male, one female, uh, on singers who fell foul. Um, they had both had problems so it's been 

[00:20:21] Gillyanne: Yes. And one of them, uh, needed to have surgery in the end. That was the best decision for her. Yep. And the other, it was almost like a, A complex of different things that might fall under muscle tension dysphonia, and they'd got into trouble because of that.

[00:20:37] And both of them doing super well now and singing so wonderfully and in in fact, the interesting thing is that I think both of them would say, It was a kind of positive because they learned more about themselves and more about their voices, and as a result, they perhaps have become better singers. 

[00:20:58] Jeremy: Uh, that is a tremendous outcome from something that is a massive challenge for a singer.

[00:21:04] Interesting. Yeah. Mm-hmm. I mean, and congratulations to both of them for taking that route. Uh, the other thing that you can see is again, in the Learning Lounge Deep Dive, we talked about this last episode, but there is also a course there called My Singer Has a Voice Problem, which is a joint venture with Carrie Garrett, who is a highly specialist speech and language therapist and Gillyanne and Carrie and me to a certain extent uh, were filmed doing a two hour presentation, I think it was. 

[00:21:31] Gillyanne: Mm-hmm. I think it was you, Carrie and Anne, if I remember rightly. 

[00:21:36] Jeremy: You, I can't remember. We're going up to go and look that up. It's all about what a voice clinic does, what the role of a voice clinic is, what the role of a speech therapist, a surgeon, uh, a rehabilitation coach, a singing teacher. It's the whole role thing. 

[00:21:51] Gillyanne: And it will give you insights into scope of practice. Yes. Um, as a, as a singing teacher so that you know where your boundaries are. It gives you insight into the, uh, referral situation. Yeah, and I think it also gives you insight into the, the cluster of things that can contribute to a singer having a voice problem and so that, it's not a one stop shop really. That's very important to know.

[00:22:17] Jeremy: I remember that being a really good course. 

[00:22:19] Gillyanne: And Carrie has great wisdom. 

[00:22:21] Jeremy: Yes. Carrie is also a singer and a singing teacher, so she actually has knowledge in different areas. Mm-hmm. So it was a really, really fascinating course.

[00:22:28] And that's in the Learning Lounge Deep Dive. Again, it's a, um, Pay, it's a monthly payment, uh, not that, not that big. And it is 600 plus videos that you can watch for that month. You get access to everything. 

[00:22:42] Gillyanne: Right now if you're looking for summer learning. Yes. Head there. 

[00:22:46] Jeremy: Yes. Good. I just wanna go back to the whole business of one-to-one lessons.

[00:22:52] Mm-hmm. Because, I want to talk about the singing teacher's role. 

[00:22:56] Gillyanne: Can we call them one-to-one consults or does that sound too grand? 

[00:23:00] Jeremy: We call them consultations on our calendar. So, uh, yeah, it's, you can call them whatever you like. Mm-hmm. One-to-one events, one-to-one happenings. 

[00:23:09] Gillyanne: Um, there's something I want to say that actually is that we got a list here and it's not on the list, and I'm thinking, Gillyanne, you're missing a trick.

[00:23:17] Jeremy talked about career mentoring. Yep. Guess where my other happy place is? 

[00:23:22] Jeremy: I don't know. Gillyanne, where is your other happy place? 

[00:23:24] Gillyanne: Teacher mentoring. 

[00:23:26] Jeremy: There you go. Teacher mentoring. 

[00:23:27] Gillyanne: I love to brainstorm with other teachers, so if you want to have a conversation in confidence about, maybe finding out, um, what it is that you need to be doing to grow as a teacher in terms of skillset or if you, you want to sort of, play with permissions, obviously, from your client, um, some videos or audio files and say, look, I'm, I'm stuck. Can you help me with this? Or, this happens a lot in my practice. What do I do? Oh, I so love to do that. That's where I do the unpicking. Hmm. Um, so please, let's have more of that cuz that is a place where I, I love to work. 

[00:24:09] Jeremy: I think the whole business of being a, a teacher, being a singing teacher in particular, We can talk a lot about all sorts of generics, but until you hear somebody sing and you go, oh, I see what they're doing.

[00:24:24] I hear what they're doing, I can analyze what they're doing. I can help you. I can, I can help the singing teacher of that person with the gradient, the steps that they need to go to get from this place, to that place. Uh, I think I love that because I also do that type of, of mentoring where somebody will play me a track or even just 10 seconds of a singer and go, this is what I see the problem as being, or hear the problem as being, and this is where I want them to be. What do I need to do? Because I've tried everything? And I'm going, right, here's the diagnosis. Here's what they're doing, here's what I think they're doing. Here's where you want to be.

[00:25:02] Here are the steps to get there. Off you go. I love that. I love doing that myself. And it's very much 

[00:25:10] Gillyanne: am I gonna fight you for these sessions? 

[00:25:11] Jeremy: You certainly are. Yeah. I love those. Um, but it's very much about, you need to hear the student. You can talk verbally about why you think somebody might be doing something, but until you hear them, You can't actually know that.

[00:25:24] Gillyanne: And I think and also here and see, which is why, you know, a video is more powerful. Mm-hmm. And because it could be 

[00:25:31] Jeremy: and bless the pandemic, because now people are teaching online and we have the videos. 

[00:25:35] Gillyanne: Yeah. I mean, just to give you an example, it could be that you think your student is having a difficulty with their range.

[00:25:40] And no matter how many, you know, lovely range exercises and slides and sirens you do with them, um, it's not happening in the song and you've actually missed it's the approach to the note and the consonant and whatever was happening on the note before, et cetera. Yeah, that you've actually missed that. I've, I've got a really good forensic ear for stuff like that and I will help you unpick.

[00:26:05] Jeremy: So, um, the other thing which is really important is, And I know this is gonna sound a very odd thing to say, but we don't have an agenda. Mm-hmm. About you and your students. And if you play us somebody, one of your students, we are not gonna steal them because we don't do that. We do know teachers who do and 

[00:26:24] Gillyanne: we don't.

[00:26:24] Jeremy: We don't do that. 

[00:26:25] Gillyanne: We don't have an agenda about your methodology. No. Either. That's really important. No. 

[00:26:31] Jeremy: So, um, whatever you want, whatever language you wanna use, whatever exercise you want to use, that's fine. If you have a situation like that where you're going, I do have a student and I'm not quite sure what to do with them next.

[00:26:43] Gillyanne: Friends, we all get stuck with our clients. 

[00:26:45] Jeremy: Oh yes. 

[00:26:46] Gillyanne: All of us. 

[00:26:47] Jeremy: I mean, Gillyanne and I are very lucky in that we. Work together in the same field, so we can always discuss with each other what do you think is going on here. Mm-hmm. Um, but so often singing teachers work in a vacuum. They work by themselves.

[00:26:59] Mm-hmm. And they're too worried about other teachers to go, I need some advice, but I don't know where to get it. Mm-hmm. Well, here's where you can get it. Mm-hmm. And we don't have an agenda and we won't blame you for anything. 

[00:27:10] Gillyanne: And it's in total confidence. 

[00:27:12] Jeremy: Total confidence. Yeah. So, um, yeah, that's how we work.

[00:27:15] Mm-hmm. So, uh, basically we will give you the link to the calendar that we've got, uh, in the show notes. Book a session. Yeah. You know, book a session, bring your problems, tell us what they are, or just drop us an email and go, I'd like to book a session. Can I bring this particular issue or can I just talk to you about what's going on?

[00:27:34] Gillyanne: And can I say, if you are in a, uh, a time zone, it's very different than ours and you're looking at the timetable and thinking, Uh, I can't make that. It's five in the morning. And to be fair, I will probably have less slots available than you simply because of where I am. Yep. At this point in my, um, timeline of life.

[00:27:55] Um, but drop us a line. 

[00:27:57] Jeremy: I'm a toy boy. I'm a toy boy. I just like to, I, I wanna make that clear. 

[00:28:00] Gillyanne: Yeah. Uh, drop me a line and say, look, I really want a session, but I, you know, it needs to be around this time. I will do my best. Yeah. 

[00:28:09] Jeremy: Yeah, if you don't see anything on the calendar, drop us an email and we'll see if, we'll see if we can fit you in.

[00:28:13] Okay. That's it from us on

[00:28:16] Gillyanne: Are we done? 

[00:28:16] Jeremy: One to one happenings. 

[00:28:19] Gillyanne: Sessions. What are they? What do you get? 

[00:28:23] Jeremy: So check out the links in the show notes and we'll see you next time. 

[00:28:26] Yeah. 

[00:28:27] Bye.

[00:28:28] This is a voice. A podcast with Dr. Gillyanne Kayes and Jeremy Fisher.