The Culture

The Joe Button Podcast

Jeff and Anthony Episode 124

The boys celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day by exploring different racism themed topics. The guys also discover a podcast cheat code that they are willing to implement.

Topics Discussed:

  • The Culture's 2022 stats
  • Boston is the most racist sports town.
  • The new Scooby Doo cartoon is racist.
  • Why Dominicans hate Haitians.
  • Anthony explains why he hates having guests on the show.
  • Why family is usually the last to support you.
  • We explain why marriage is the only license or legal agreement that doesn't expire or need to be renewed.
  • The guys discover a podcast episode cheat code that they are testing out on this episode.
  • Jeff and Ant make yet another $50 bet.
  • The Rolling Stones' top 200 singers of all-time list.

Referenced Links:
200 Best Singers of All Time – Rolling Stone

Velma cast: See the stars playing Scooby-Doo characters |

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A punk and a metalhead with ADHD ambush each other with their favorite albums, hilarity

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Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, thank you for tuning in to another episode of the culture. So boy, Jeff, here with my man ant. What's good?


I'm glad you stopped paying that number shit.


This is episode 124.


All you need to know is that it's an episode. And then when you put the show up, you know what number it is. Until then, fuck off.


This is Martin Luther King weekend. Celebrating the great Dr. Martin Luther King. And in honor of Dr. King, oh, pull up dinner, just get the shit off. Yeah, my job just gave us my job just gave us two black days off this year. They gave us Martin Luther King. And they gave us Juneteenth.


Yeah, we wasn't getting those two days, y'all was really here working on MLK, but like I said, I can't say the MLK thing for everybody. Because I know a lot of people out there that don't get that shit off. And that's kind of a shame actually, when I think about it.


Yeah, I mean, like the health care workers obviously don't get that off. But there's a lot of different professions and companies that don't give a fuck about that shit. But in honor of Dr. Kane, we're gonna be talking a lot about racism this week. But before we get into that, I want to thank Mr. Cow Gameface Lee for coming on last week. That was a very good interview, I think.


Yeah, thanks, guys. Appreciate that. you dying to get on a show now?


Yeah, I mean, they you know, they talk sports. I love sports. He saw how passionate I am about the topics I want to discuss though. I'm ready to go on that show.


Hey, you got demand information. And what did I know you tried to get in touch with all star you know what I just realized that kind of low key pissed me off well not piss me off because I honestly don't care when I think about it. Hold on. Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Superbowl 2023 Rihanna will be performing. What are you doing Super Bowl.


Party hosting.


That's great. That's great. Thank you, man. I appreciate that.


You said Rihanna is host is performer. I think isn't Justin Timberlake performing. Also,


he's banned them off again. Never come back. Is Bo is Rihanna. And Janet


is banned here.


I thought it would have been fired before Kanye lost his mind if all him Jay Z and Rihanna would came out there. But that's not gonna happen now. And congratulations, Kanye and your marriage. Apparently. did he marry somebody that worked with him an easy one to design is apparently apparently I don't know. Apparently that's what's being said or whatever. I don't know if it's like a real marriage or just like a ceremony like symbolic. Look, man, that's all I'm pretty much gonna say about the guy. But okay, so you're going to have a little get together on Super Bowl. You know, kick it and so on and so forth. Right. Right. I'm glad you really do appreciate me. Thank you for that.


Shout out to a coach a crew.


You have no idea what I'm talking about. You have no idea I'm talking about the Super Bowl gonna be played on February 12. Right. God damn it continue. But as your birthday there you go. You bet.


It doesn't always land on the 12th Right. No, no, it has to be a Sunday right whatever the Sunday your show was a Saturday last year.


Right? No, because because how did how it changed? Yeah, so it won't be next year and next year? It'd be a Monday but it's always gonna happen now because it gave it an extra week around that time so that's gonna be fun. Now coach crew run them off. We


mighty sheep. who just had a baby in the muffle because already like as tall as me and shit. Harry's toilet like to


have her full hair to biggest fuck like oh, there's no monster that he posted


pictures. I'm like, yo, why are you showing me pictures of Teen Wolf bro. wearing some some fucking Jordans.


The next picture you're gonna see that baby have a cigarette in his hand like life is hard. Like look at you. Oh shit.


Shout outs to the black Hell Week. Shout out to King causative third. King cause of the third is actually coming down. He's gonna be in the tri state area. costume.


No, don't say when I think that no matter what nobody nobody's worried about someone say was ruined. They miss you. Right? That's fact. You're gonna be somewhere in America in a couple of days or weeks or months or whatever. That's what you liking guys.


Shout out to Melly Mel. Thank you. Shout outs to Tosh.


Thank you See I did it well, and I wanted to


real quickly tell you about some stats are 22 or 2022. podcast that's brought to you by Buzzsprout. who hosts our podcast? So shout out to them.


They got the numbers item. Listen, we got the numbers, man.


Shout out to bus browser if anybody wants to start their own podcast holiday bus brought I'll put the link in. Yeah, go check them out. They'll help you out. All right. 2022. The culture podcast. We dropped 47 episodes. For a total of 2694 minutes. God damn, bro. I was talking to


you for that long. Shit. Not talking to you for that long.


And how many hours that is broke?


I'm doing the math too many.


Let's do the math. Let's do the math. That's that's almost 45 hours, bro. 44.9 hours. I mean, you're talking shit.


I'll talk to you for a whole paycheck plus overtime. Facts Whole Paycheck plus ot Jesus.


We had we had 78.9 1000 downloads. Damn. All right. And this is the startling. This is the startling staff of me when I saw this shit. I was like, what? We were heard in 80 different countries? I don't know. I don't know how that happened.


I don't know. I don't. All I speak is is English. bindings and job interview. That's it.


I barely leave New Jersey, bro. Look. It just I don't remember the last time I left the tri state area. Well, I've gotten to Florida a few times here and there. You know, I'm saying that but we were heard in 80 countries, bro.


That's a good look. I'm proud of that, man. That's a good look. Like how are y'all hearing this? Like, and the thing is that it's a different country city. I don't know if they have any fucking idea what we're talking about.


They probably just stumble up the party surfing the web is stumble upon our shit. Click it a couple of times. And I don't know what they saying.


I don't care as long as they do. That's good, though. You know, saying, Hey, man, you need


because you figure how many countries are English speaking countries?


Not a lot of them, believe it or not?


You know, I'm saying like in India, they could probably hear they could hear it and like the UK, Canada. Some Latin American countries.


I mean, it's really UK, Canada, some of the Caribbean islands and not South America. Not China, some Asian countries. Right. But but their primary language is English. They like it's it. They speak it but it's primarily not like to them English as a second language and to us,


right. Right. But there's people that wouldn't that can understand it there that can speak the whole Africa. The whole, you know, I mean, everybody, all the countries in Africa could speak and listen to it depends


on where Australia is a fair amount. Let's put it that way. It's a fair amount. It's a lot more countries that don't speak English that do but the whole fact is that we're able to reach 80 of them. I'm happy about that.


Yeah, so that's that's crazy.


Well all makes me realize you need to get the fuck out of New Jersey more.


The top five episodes. Number one is the one episode that's called the Joe Rogan experience. I wonder why. That was the number one he listened to episode.


That's gonna be our cheat code. What we're going to do is take our podcasts and just name them after other random podcasts. Like he's gonna call like, that are popular, like the Joe Budden podcast game. We're gonna go down like the, like the top 20 podcasts out there and just name our podcast after that, so that they just gonna go ahead until we get sued. Yeah. Until that cease and desist letter like, oh, relax. Take my shirt off of there. I mean, it got I mean, instead of Joe Budden could do like Joe button like be you like the button like bu TT O N like it's not the button podcast but it's the button podcast. Joe readin someone's before


we can misspell it we can we can misspell it on purpose like you said button button right? Like the Oprah Winfrey like when and then free money for Winfrey pocket


like Joseph Rogan, not Joe Rogan. But Joseph like spill it all out. See, we've seen we sat here right now we don't unlock some shit. He's probably gonna reach like Antarctica. Since


we're talking about racism. This week. This whole list looks kind of racism. So that's the number one episode of the year for us, the Joe Rogan experience. The second episode that got the most views was the real Slim Shady. That was an episode where we had we had Mikey Sheehan and he was ranting about it. his dislike of Eminem, I believe, remember that? Yes. Then Then the third most listened to episode was Brian Flores versus the NFL and racism we're still on the racism theme. The fourth most listened to Episode caught me by surprise is the one where we had Mr. Steven Martin on the Law of One with Steven Martin.


Hey, man, I gotta give probably Stephen more credit named Steven probably got to push up. He probably was actually one of people and that's why I behaved a little funky ass guest of ours but yo, posting leadership better Mr. Mark went out there and did exactly what he needed to do, which I appreciate. Thank


you. Well, Mr. Gameface, he was put he was pushing it on Twitter. I saw that much.


No, I mean, it's like, alright,


but then again, he was just like retweeting. What I was retweeting. Actually, he did post something he did say, if I could find so he just say some shit on Twitter.


I got you. All right. So finish number one, and I tell you what my kind of animus is towards guests. I've thought about it. Not recently, but a while not to never told you the next plane. So what was what was the other one that was on there?


Oh, look, Mr. Gameface. Lee on Twitter. He put it's always a blessing to break bread with real ones on the pod. Be sure to catch the latest episode of the culture with Jeff and as we discuss the coach's influence on the NBA. Alright, so the number the number one was the Joe Rogan. So the number fifth episode most listened to episode for us last year was You can't touch this. And I remember what we were talking about in that episode. But that was the title. You can't touch this.


It's not that I dislike guess. It's not that I dislike him that you do. No, no, no, I honestly, it's not that I swear to Christ. It's not that it really comes down to the fact that I want people to do so to have a conversation and discussion and move forward like that. A lot of people let's come in and kind of like start rambling about themselves, which is fine. But to a degree, some of them not all. Some of you think I'm talking about you fuck you go a little bit too far. Like, what was surprising to me on the top five that came up last year because I thought was probably one of the better ones that we did. Because he's such a good, good guest, like the DC Glenn one. That's the president and up in the top five noted me


now, but that wasn't last year, though. I think that was the year before.


That's only 41. Right? Yeah, I'm talking 2022 Jesus Christ. That's how long my brain has not been working. But I like when we come out and you see something worthwhile, but you're also interacting with like us. So people don't interact with us. And we would like you to start talking for the sake of talking. And I'm like, I don't I get it. You gotta shut the fuck up now, because you like we want to carry on to some other shit and to start rambling on and on. And it's charming to a degree because I know they really have something to say about themselves. And they really want to kind of break it down. And really, really, really get the shit off of their chest. But a fair amount of time, but like, do we really need to have this conversation about this shit right now? And I'm like, and all honesty, no, that's all I really just don't really like talking to them. No offense to people, I enjoy talking to people. But sometimes when they get on that little rambling shit like that, and I think we've got to kind of do a better job at it, like just kind of slowing them down and stopping them. That's really the bigger problem outside of that. Everything else is just fine with me.


Well, most guests when they come on a podcast because they got something that they want to promote, right, you know, I'm saying so they, a lot of them tend to just want to just talk about themselves and whatever they're selling their book, their website, their own from pocket, you know, whatever it is. And they just want to get people to go to that.


Next time. We're gonna get them five minutes, seven minutes, seven sounds like a nice round number. Two minutes to you, here's your window to talk all the shit you need to talk. Get it out the way say what you need to say do what you got to do, then everything gonna be fine. But until then, Nah, don't do that.


And then the final stats that we have are the most popular cities that our show was listened to. Again, this was surprising. Check this out. The most popular city was Los Angeles. Los Angeles, California. Okay, I don't even know anybody in Los


Angeles don't matter the internet's everywhere.


You know what I'm saying? The furthest west we go is Mikey she and he's in what Portland?


Yes, the Pacific Northwest


in Portland ain't even on this list. Oh fuck you Mikey she


not got to say Mikey sell more cars. You can stick them in the gym or


Portland is not even on his list bro. Is it goes like this Los Angeles. Number one then is Dallas, Texas. Number To then it's Chicago Illinois. Then it's Houston Texas. And then lastly it's Seattle Washington. And I guess Mikey she's close enough right? Yeah. Okay. See see but I do have family out there have a cousin out there too. Right in Spokane,


you know Mike in his like in the area.


I was surprised that there's no Florida cities here. We have a we have we have listenership in Florida. I thought I thought the majority of our listeners live was a Florida I guess I was wrong.


I think the thing is that it because like, you're going to get more where there's more populated places. And the places that you name are extremely populated. Like, you're like you're you're rarely ever going to get on New York, because there's so many people posted here. And so many podcasts and so many shows and whatever. Yeah, but that's Yeah, but Lark says like that you were here yesterday? Yeah, we are.


So I was surprised, right. So you would think that, you know, at least our friends and family all make up New York, New Jersey, I mean, tri state area, I figured that one of those states would be there, but New York and New Jersey and in Florida. And then


the thing is that if you didn't know us both affiliations and didn't know the way that we talk, you probably wouldn't know where to fuck with from. It's kind of like a dead giveaway, because we know which, where we are, it's what happens. So if we get on like that, we start talking and like we realized, like, Okay, where are these people from Florida. As a matter of fact, I'm gonna be blunt about this, I don't give a shit. I'm just glad to share all this. And and then like, the time and effort and hours that we put into it, like, can't say nothing more than Thank you. And that it's appreciated that it matters that we try to give you good content, whenever we get on here to get to talking about things going on in the world. So to have your do that and have you got to be so you know, a part of this, and so on so forth. Like says 2023, we're just kind of keep cranking it out, kind of keep trying to do better, and figuring out where to go forward with this. And right now, all I can say really, you know, thank you.


For real. But the one thing sadly, and unfortunately, that the deal that these geographical numbers taught me is that I think and I think this is true, most of the time for any business venture, anything that you got going on, that the majority of your supporters are not going to be friends and family. Yeah, sure. Absolutely. Like, I found that family, you know, I mean, I don't know, for whatever reason, like they just don't care they hate. Like, you know, maybe, you know, maybe we're just not their cup of tea. You know, I noticed podcasting for everybody. You know, I'm saying we come in here, and rant and Kherson talking about topics that people might not be interested in. I get that. But you would expect that you know what I'm saying the majority of your listeners would be friends and family right now. So when I saw the geographical stats of you know, where we're listening to the most, and I didn't see New Jersey, I didn't see New York. I didn't see Florida up there. This is where the majority of my family is, and my you know, my friends. I was like, oh shit. Like, opens your eyes a little bit, you know what I mean? And the last time that I felt that was when I published my, my book, you know, my poetry book that I published way back in, like 2009, I think it was. And the majority of the sales did not come from friends and family. It came from it came from me, the co workers, random people, online, whatever, like you're not I mean,


because you're not making a shit for your friends or family you're making for a demographic. Right? It's anything


about you would think but you would think that your friends and family would be quick to support you and I'm saying, I don't know. Maybe Maybe Maybe I give to people too much credit or maybe I try to see people through my like the way I would be you know, I mean, like if you came out with anything, whether I could relate to it or not. I'm gonna support like OSHA Anthony wrote a book OSHA Anthony got the show, I'm gonna check it out. Because that's my man's you know, man,


right? Right. But it kind of comes down to this, if even for one to support it, it's okay. amongst black people that have this tendency to like to raise money for like trips or whatever, whatever it might be. They like they sell dinners, right? You pick a side, it might be ribs, it might be fried chicken, it might be fried fish, it might be whatever Macaroni Cheese sides, blah, blah, blah. Like, they make them they sell them they make money they so on so forth. It might pay for a trip or might do something for them and they might need like some additional assistance. So they do this to kind of get by right. I've known many people who have sold dinners or whatever whatever it might be, but have a bar from every single one of them apps the fucking look they're not there. No, you can't cook. And I'd rather just give you the money, then buy the shit and go forward like that. Because I know you're shooting shit. And I understand that it might be offensive to some people but you got to be honest about it, you know, God damn, well, some people just can't do certain things, you probably shouldn't have to do it, you're taking offense to it in regards to like, Well, why wasn't friends and family doing that? Because that, because that's kind of that's kind of a closed loop because like I said, they're gonna buy it once. And then that's it. But other people that are interested in your works, or in this, you want the randomized person to do it. Because I know people who have listened to this, and have heard it, and then someone else was listening to him said, what were you listening to, then they tell them, it works better that way, amongst your friends and family, that's a very closed off circle, because it doesn't go anywhere beyond that, because they're gonna go from your friend to your family. And they probably already have a connection. Somehow, your friends know your friends, your family know, your family doesn't go anywhere. You want to go beyond that you want to reach the people we don't think is going to reach. That's why the most surprising fact you'll have all of that information on the board. The thing that kind of caught your attention the most like we'll listen to an 80 countries that yeah, that matters, because it's somewhere where we're not supposed to have any kind of footprint or foothold into, but they're hearing it. So friends and family, that's great. But the fact that people that you're never going to see you're never going to meet, but took the time out of it to just listen to this thing. I mean, it's important, and I get how you will feel a particular way, but I wouldn't feel too beat up about it. Because that means you have a greater like circle of influence than you possibly ever even imagine. Thinking that we're actually being listened to by people out of this state out of this country, literally. So it makes a difference. The fact that we even got to that point from where we started. It's a big fucking shift.


Yeah, I don't want to spend too much time on this topic. Because it is we could probably do a whole episode about this. But since we're on the topic, it reminds me also of you know, when my son was selling you know, whatever the candies or the chocolate, you know how to make the kid sell whatever to fundraise money for the school. And in kindergarten, yay. Yeah, I'm saying I, so everything is digital and everything. You don't go to paper.


Right? So I said, Oh, yeah, the fucking thing. Yeah, I remember. Okay.


Yeah, you just donated money. You ain't even want no candy. You're flipping kids. Yeah, you take the money. So I sent everybody I knew in the entire world, I sent everybody the link, right. And if I tell you the amount of family bro that just ignored the link, or that said, Oh, I'll take a look at it later. And never responded back was alarming to me, is for my fucking five year old son was saying for him to raise money for his school for them to be able to supply shift for him.


This is not this is not gonna make me listen more. No majority.


And he ended up raising he ended up raising some like $130. And the majority of that shit besides me buying and my wife buying shit for him. Besides us, the majority of the shit was friends and co workers. With a handful of relatives?


Yes. Why am I to ask a fuse? Why are you shocked by this?


I don't know. I mean, I mean, we had this we we talked about family and Patreon exclusive opening up series. And I don't know, I guess I shouldn't I guess at this stage of my life, almost 4020 20 I shouldn't be surprised at anything that you get from family. So you don't I mean, you shouldn't just be you shouldn't be, you should expect the worst now from people I guess.


I'm going to break you off a very important piece of advice that I want you to hear me clearly Okay. When it comes to family, you are concerned about your own. And I mean, immediate family. Outside of that, do not expect anything from anyone outside of the immediacy, anything, you're only setting yourself up for the support. And the reason why I can say this so clearly. Because as you get older, you're your friend, your cousins, everything else or that they get older. They have kids that they get to do shit for them, and their families and so on so forth, it starts to expand, it's not small as you thought it was when you were younger. If it's not for the immediate family, don't worry about it. Don't take offense. Don't get hurt over it. Don't be bothered by it. Because it's like, like you're wasting all this energy getting mad about people that you wouldn't seen or talk with or hung around with for a long period of time. The ones you should get at are the ones that outside the immediate family, the ones that come around for family events. And when you're there then you can tell that shit them right there in their face. Like I had some for my son what was going on with that if they give you a valid reason if they don't give you relevant and just letting them know. But outside of small, immediate circle, don't waste your time. but anything else because everyone has their own ideas and opportunities and motives and so on so forth, and dragging yourself into this shit. Just draining more time from your life you only got so much left so don't worry about it. And that small circle, keep everything that's important and that matters to you there outside of that whatever happens so those will be the same


people when they have a fundraiser and they send you the link you know I'm saying they want you to participate. You got my dumb as will be the first one we want Marie in donating whatever for the cause, you know, I'm saying their support and shit. But


let's not dog basing that shit. You you check your balance. You see how like, how does it break it down? Like do I have anything to spare? Nope, sorry, can't do it. It'd be I can't do it.


When you think about racist sports, cities or towns or states, what comes to mind? What is one of the first Taliban Excuse me? There's no Alabama teams. Unless you're talking about college. Professional sports. Let's talk about professional sports. Boston. Boston, is the first city that comes to my mind when I think about racist sports towns.


You ever heard what they did to Bill Russell? Yeah,


they call them all type of n words and throw batteries at them and bananas and shit.


He was on a roll when they broke into his house tours house up road you're gonna want to shoot on his bed. That's fucking crazy. That and that's when he retired. He never went. He never lived in Boston after that. That's why


but did you see what happened to the New England Patriots recently on their website?


Now they're interested in I have not.


Okay. Well, there was a tweet. Right? I guess they were trying to reach a million flock followers right on their whatever page. Somebody with the hashtag I hate AdWords. Okay. Actually with the actual words spelled out. So I guess you


know, he that was the Twitter tag.


That was the hashtag I hate AdWords. Great. Okay. The actual word right. Got it. The Patriots go ahead and they tweet out. At I hate and worse, thanks for helping us become the first NFL team with 1 million followers hashtag 1 million patriots. And then there's a picture of a football jersey. Number one on the back. It says hashtag I hate and words. Hashtag 1 million patriots thanks, patriots nation number 1 million patriots blah, blah, blah. Then that was as 6:02pm. And then they go ahead and issue an apology, several hours later saying We apologize for the regrettable tweet that went out from our account, our filtering system failed, and we will be more vigilant in the future. Now, I don't know how old this is. But I this just came across me. You know, like people were posting this shit on Twitter. And I had never seen this show before. Right. We apologize for the regrettable tweet that went out from our account, our filtering system failed and we will be more vigilant. First of all, our filtering system failed. Why don't they have actual humans sending these tweets out? Or you know what I mean? Because you got to pay him. And why is words like the N word. Not being captured by your filters are being flagged.


Freedom is being your algorithm. And I G, G AR It's the nager family. Family. That's all it is because of our ability and our constitutional right to have freedom of speech, you're allowed to say certain things, even things that are vile, incomprehensible to the majority of people. The fact that somebody uses a hashtag and the thing that I'm thinking is that it might have been a bot who did that like all these times in a row kept sending an atom that eventually like will probably get to the million one collective year the millionth person to the million account listen I say person because you might be a bot. So someone did that on purpose and then they apologize for it. And they should did a better job of it. But like I said it's been my constant complaint about why people in general is you do something and then you want to apologize for it like you shouldn't you don't have to apologize for something you didn't do in the first place. I'm not gonna say sorry for something I didn't do. And like I said you did that you got lazy about it you got caught and therefore that's how you ended up in this predicament. Should they have done better? Fuck yes. But I mean, this happens all the time. I'm so used to it and it's such a weird thing. What exploiting that like expecting to do so that bad about it? Nah, shit that just


so that was circulating online. I should have went viral this way. No, that was trending This Week on Twitter. And it was just a reminder, just to do Just real quick to remind everybody that Boston is still a racist fucking. Well,


like it's because of their history, it's just an easy target. Like if they would have did that anywhere else. I mean, he probably would have gotten the same apology, but it just kind of seems karmic, especially with Boston's history, so yeah, it just,


I just I just feel like every time I hear an interview with a performer player or whatever, and they ask them, like, what is the worst town you ever played in? They always say Boston, like, if it's a black player, I feel like you always hear them say, oh, Boston, they used to always the fans used to always yell racial slurs at me, you know what I mean? Like I hear it all the time in interviews,


which is, which is no, let me think about that. I'm trying to think about the teams in the south, but the teams in the South that genuinely like areas that have a strong minority population, like, like if you go to Atlanta, or Miami, or even like Texas, like Dallas, San Antonio Houston, like it's a larger population of minorities in those areas. But I think you can when you think of bossing just think of white and you just kind of go so I was Portland's white, but they're the same kind of progressive but Boston just doesn't and I mean, that's that's more of a slight against Boston and a lack of growth and anything else I don't know, in regards to how the city has done to improve that if anything else, but this is definitely helping.


Like you come in you come to New York and we're gonna yell all kinds of shit at you. We're gonna talk about your mom your ugly ass wife, your kids. We're gonna call you a bum bum but I've never you know, and I'm not saying it doesn't happen. You know, I go to at least one Yankee game a year I go to at least one knick game a year I try to go to at least a giant game a year. And in all the years of me attending games with me watching games on TV, I've never heard anybody a fan yell out a racial slur. Again. I'm not saying it doesn't happen. I'm sure it does. I'm sure there's isolated incidents, but I feel like Boston is known for that shit right? Like you don't hear that in New York and New York they'll say yeah, those fans a while they throw shit at you they'll scream at you but they don't be like you and were you black bitch you know I mean like


because you're in the Bronx and you in Queens you're not making that sad my life locals like me think he think he goes say like the N word in the in the Bronx and be able to think you're gonna make it out of the Grand Concourse and back to your train safely. No shit. I know you're surrounding Boston like is way more people that are white. And I say not all white people are racist, but for some reason ones that tend to like go to sporting events are racist. So it goes a little bit sideways. It just is it's the demographics of the area that kind of make the situation keep happening more and more so. Thanks, Dr. King. We're trying but they fucking this up is


now I'm bringing this up. You tell me if this is racist? Sure. Have you seen the new Scooby Doo? Carrot cast of characters? Yes, a new Velma series?


Yes. Okay,


so they got the new Velma series and Velma now is being played by Mindy. Mindy Kaling are killing it and she's, you know, she's Indian, right? Yes. And then we have Shaggy, whose name is Norville, who I had no idea is played by Sam Richardson, who has a black brother. So they got him playing Norville, aka Shaggy. Daphne has now played by Constance Wu, who's Asian. And then Fred is still a fucking white dude played by Glenn Howerton. So they kept him white. Great. So they changed all the other three characters to minorities. And they left this dude. You know, the blond haired blue eyed stand up gentleman guy. He's the white shag. He's the fucking stoner so he's now black. Velma is the fucking lesbians. So she's now you know. Black, she's Indian. And then the whore Daphne, who's the fucking slut of the group. So she's now Asian. Am I wrong? She's the promiscuous one.


Kim. Can you continue?


Reminds me I was watching the I was watching the show with my son bro. They have a Scooby Doo meets John Cena movie right. It was like some giant it was like some WWE collaboration with Scooby Doo and John Cena is in it as a cartoon character, whatever his voice and they got some of the other wrestlers. And Daphne the whole time is like, trying to suck this dude off bro. Like the whole time. She's like sweating him and she's like, in love with John Cena and she's like flirting with them. And I'm like, is this a kid's movie? Like she's being real aggressive. Yo But anyway, is it racist that they made the stoner black? The Lesbian, Indian and the slow Asian? No, I'm more concerned that they made the stoner black. Well, why can't Fred be the black dude?


Well, I'm saying okay, because


ain't nothing wrong with Fred why he why he still got to be white. He's the only one out of his whole crew that says regular.


Right but but regular To what degree


just to the to the to the societal norms. You know what I mean? The quote unquote, societal norms. He's just a regular dude. He wears his little bow ties and even a bow tie was that called the Ascot fucking tie with his little sweater, and his collared shirt. Like so that said, he kept his shirt and he's supposed to be like, the leader of the crew, and all it is, but he's the white dude. We got the lesbian chick is a minority. The Stoner is a minority, and the slot is a minority,


and he kept but he kept the white guy still be in the same white guy.


He's a white guy friend play by Glenn Howerton,


right. I mean, there's nothing wrong with subverting tropes. And I think that this is fine. It's not really a big concern of mine. I think the thing about its art and art can be a lot of things racist might be one of them. I think they just want to put people of color in different roles. And it's a cartoon. And like, I think we're kind of at the point that not not all cartoons are meant specifically for children like you would never would you ever show your son Rick and Morty?


No. Right? Or Ren and Stimpy or Beavis and Butthead? Right? And I love them shits going off


great. But you realize like, even as a kid that shit really wasn't for kids or kids really shouldn't be watching them.


She has had no business being on Nickelodeon at all. None of them. She's


right. I mean, the Scooby Doo mysteries are still out there for him to watch that. This is just something that they were doing different. Apparently, a lot of people hate it or a lot of people love it. Like, this is one of those things where there is no middle. It's not like as good. Either you like I fucked with this or I don't fuck with this is that's kind of how this goes. The recasting of things. I don't think it's necessarily a bad if I haven't really gotten into yet. I wonder what they're gonna do with Scooby? Like, is Scooby even going to?


I don't know, it comes out. I don't think it's come out. Yeah, it's coming out on HBO. So it's gonna be probably I'm assuming if it's on HBO is gonna be adult themed.


It's HBO max. Now. It was already up.


Oh, so if they're gonna so I wonder what the rating is. If it's going to be more adult oriented, then you know, Daphne is going to take it to a next level of sluttiness.


From what I've


heard, yeah, she won't be tossing pussy left and right.


I don't know if they're going to show the visuals of it. But I'm going to assume. I think that anything that kind of subverts what we used to believe to be true is always going to cause some kind of reaction. Everyone always probably thought that Velma was probably gay.


Right? But she wasn't going she wasn't out there flirting with all the women and checking chicks out. You know, I mean, Robin asked is


why can gay folk be gay folk want to be gay, go ahead and be gay and nobody stopping you. The only reason I stopped is because the way cartoons were done back then there wasn't going to show all that because we always made the assumption that, you know, shagging was high when we the assumption that she was gay. We made the assumption that no, the white guy was smart. When we made the assumption that the red the redhead was promiscuous, promiscuous, right. They'd never out now said it, but they kind of led us on a particular path that kind of made our minds focus that probably are but we don't know, like Shaggy doesn't necessarily have to be a pothead. chatty Chen could just be some dirty as white boy that does his best friend to dog he has nothing else better to do his life but that's hanging out with the van with him in his dog. And the reason that he has the van because he has nowhere to live because he's a dusty white boy. No, we put upon the fact because of the way they drew him. The way he talked the way he did the way he ate. He's probably a pocket that the way this girl dresses and the way she acts around women everything that she's probably gay, you're probably a horde, and you're probably a bright, smart young white man. Now we twisted all leptin. Oh, so if people get mad at that, like we're going off the assumption that you guys have already had, like disregarding color or anything else like that you change the character, you're still getting to the base essence of it, you change. So check it to black, Asian, Indian, whatever else it might be. Still, you're still gonna see him and think of him as like to do who has nothing to do but good holiday, Velma. Now she's out and out gay when you always thought she was gay. You just change the character and I have a problem with it. You already had these assumptions. Now they're verifying those assumptions. Now you're mad at assumptions that you already have. And then people get pissed off by that. That never made sense to me like okay, like, let's check it out. Now. Now I'm interested like Okay, so now we're gonna try to take the same thing that I already knew to switch it up a little bit. Okay, does it mean I'm going to be interested in it. I have no idea but I was like, give it a shot. But he's a racist. No, I think because of just kind of the person I am, I just think of it as you're giving people of color opportunities to play these very unique characters. I don't think of it as racist. I mean, people have taken on worse jobs, or better jobs. I don't even know what kind of job they're doing. I don't know how good this is or how it's not going to be but again, I'm going to check it out. But do I believe that it's racist? These opportunities you take them while they're there? All comedians are all friends that got this thing to come back and make this happen. So fucking go ahead and do it.


Speaking of racism, black on black crime. Have you ever wondered why Dominicans hate? Haitians?


Ah, besides the fact that I put them off on Saturday Island? No.


Because I don't think a lot of people notice. We share a fucking island with them right. But they don't get along. Resorts. We got the Punta Cana has got all the good beaches and the rocky shore. But the real reason the real reason why we don't fuck with them is because back in the 19th century, they tried Well, they didn't try they were successful at invading us, colonizing us, enslaving us and occupying us for over 20 years. This was back in 1820s. That actually lasted from 1822 to 1844. It goes like this, the Haitian occupations, suppression of Dominican culture, including the Spanish language and Catholic religion, fourfold redistribution of Dominican wealth, and strict policies based on labor led to growing resentment that culminated in a Dominican movement for national independence, which was attained in February of 1844. So shout out to white gloves, John, but we don't really fuck with you, man. Because, you know, when we were just starting to be a little bit free from all the bullshit all the European bullshit, and all the Anglo Saxon bullshit. Here came these motherfuckers when we were at our most vulnerable,


and we had no weapons. I'm guessing you're engaging friends?


Yeah, we had no weapons. Our military was laughable. They just came in and fucked us up. You try to take over the whole island. They were like we take it we run this bitch. Nation friends gonna fuck you up? I don't know any Haitians, do you?


I can tell. I do. I know. They're gonna swing on you. Boy.


I have a I have a I have a co worker who has a Haitian boyfriend or husband.


Don't bring that down he's listening to don't matter do not bring the shit up around them unless you want them to square up.


But now I've got no problems with it. So I'm just telling you the history of why you know, I'm saying there's been 100 year long battle between these countries more than 100 years. And why they don't fuck with each other even though they share an island and the Haitians be like, Hey, man, just move on. Man. We wasn't really trying to occupy Yeah, you know, we try to help you out. They look at it as them trying to help out and trying to unify the island by taking over the motherfucker.


Okay, so what you're saying is that y'all are the aggrieved and Haitians are acting like white people correct got it. Okay. Haitians acting like white people but then y'all one and now y'all acting like white


people are we we still black a shit


yeah but yeah I tried keeping the outside out at night you yes we all yeah yeah not gonna say let's let's let's extend this resort shit oh border wall up ASAP Rocky girl black asking the other side of that wall Yeah, I wouldn't have wars y'all keep that shit right over there. Do not bring that shit over here. Y'all have made racist shit I made it very very clear to you don't fuck with Haitian people like that which doesn't make a whole lot of sense because both you guys understand the person if you kind of have a general grounds upon that there's some places to move on and grow from that. But you still want to bang back and forth. Like the reason you like a pop ship. Like the Haiti not because you know, like it's like it's a kind of a broken country. So therefore, like, you're not gonna start in a war because I can't really afford to go to war to try to do this shit again. So we cool. But, like, from my from my view. bofi MAFAC need help every time hurricane season come around each other, but like nah, we'll wait. We'll wait, whatever to come. We're I think it should be more of a unified kind of police, especially with everything else going on like that. It's so strange. That all the shift from the past has such an effect in the future where You just still can't get along for some shit that happened so long ago. And I get it. The dominance of one people one culture over another will absolutely leave a bad taste in your mouth. I mean, quite simply look at Israel. But more than anything else, it kind of comes down to like, especially like with hate, like God damn. And we've been doing this shit so long, like, don't you think both of us will be better if we can just combine these resources instead of just like, not send the shit here? Don't send it there. It's It's so weird that it's come down today. Yeah, but it's no disagreement an issue for me. Regards to either culture. I'm friends with people who are Haitian and friends with people who are Dominican. I generally choose not to have that conversation with them about that, because I know for them, not specifically them but more like their family like older people like their grandparents or something like that. It brings a very, like bitter feelings. So something I actively avoid, but I'm like, both of y'all have suffered in one way or another under the crush of someone else's ideology. Like notice your past that can't we get past this, but I mean, sometimes this should just carries on. I don't know if it follows me some time, but I don't find it weird. I get a clearer understanding of why that feeling would be but it's like, fuck, we still carrying this shit on man. That's amazing to me.


But let's end the show with a topic that you wanted to quickly touch on


it quickly though, think about the shit. But go ahead and bring it up when I hear you.


Talking about the Rolling Stones, top 200 Singers of All Time lists that they just dropped. And the shit is blasphemous. If you ask me. There might be even racist.


No, it's more like I knew that it had to sprinkle some particular white people in there. I don't like the placement of center by people, but they have to be placed in there.


Like okay, they got this is the top 200 They got brandy at 193. And she's not the best thing or a whole time. I'm not saying that. But they got her a 193 and then they have somebody like, by the name of Jong Kook, higher than her.


All right, we can't be racist. We can't be racist.


But the WHO THE FUCK IS a no unone at 192


As someone that you're just not familiar with. But again, there are like if Brenda's at 193 there are like 192 Best thing as a hitter.


I'm not saying that we'll have black people on this list. They definitely do. It's just a placement of said black people.


It's like okay, like like 190 Frank Ocean. I think brand is a better thing than Frank Ocean. But I think Frank's had a better career. For liquid. He's


one he got Alicia Keys at 185 Alicia Keys. Got some pipes. Let's not mistake that shit. But then they got Karen Oh above her. I don't know about that. I


got Jasmine tell me 182 Now Jason Sullivan can sing her ass off. But if she if she should be any higher than that, no, she just hasn't had the kind of career outside of her last album. We're just like, Yeah, but this ain't


But this ain't the list of best careers though. Brother. This is the list of best singers.


Correct. But Bob Seger. 181


right. He's above all the black people that we just mentioned. But again, but the guy says that I want 80 Okay, but you


should put jet if you're singing singing She put Jasmine Solomon above it, but you're thinking of careers because it goes above Jazmine Sullivan. It's not it's not purely vocal ability. It's that is your like, your career basically your impact so on and so forth. Fuck all that.


It's a whole I'm not there yet. I'm surprised I got one Gabrielle on here. 172 Why are you surprised? Good Mexican singer. When I think of Rolling Stones, I'm thinking that you're gonna be super racist. I wasn't expecting no Spanish mafia because I got Selena on here today. Got Mark Anthony wants 67


It should just be single. Yeah. You got a


bunch of white people. I don't know. A bunch of these motherfuckers. Francoise Hardy. Brenda Lee 161. Mercedes Sosa she might be Spanish. Mississippi John Hurt. That's a blood gentleman's Yes. Carrie Underwood made the list she's 158 Robert Smith, George Strait. Why people can't vote with country music. No offense. Koren. Tucker 155.


You never listen to country music country music Great. Yeah, I


can't fuck with your mom. Sorry. It's touching me.


I'm not saying it should be in your playlist. But


let's get to the nitty gritty of this shit, man. Here we go. I'm in the 150s Martha Reeves. 151 get through when you want to rant about


look, go just just just go to the top 20 Let me know you're there. You there?


No. Okay. Act and I'll pull it up. Pull it up. So alright,


so 20 is Marvin Gaye got no problem with that, man. 20 is my Marvin Gaye 2019 Frank Sinatra got no problem with that. 18 Celia Cruz got no problem with that. 17 They got probably 17 Elvis.


I wasn't really known as a singer though, as an entertainer.


And my thing is that you can have Elvis or you can have Frank, you can't have both one or the other. Not both. But I think this is the whole totality of a career kind of thing. But I'm like, Nah, I don't think Elvis should be 17 I don't think he should be 17 So what the saying that all singers ahead of this should be better than Elvis which is going to be logical which I approve of. Prince's 16th Bob Dylan 15 I'm fine with Bob. Freddie Mercury absolutely should be the 13th Patsy Cline again country but you're not really big at but pet declines a great singer. I don't think John Lennon should be there. But he's 12 Never thought of John Lennon was a great singer. They make great music of the Beatles, but it's neither here nor there. Little Richard's 11 hour greens 10 oats readings nine that I gotta promise at number eight is Beyonce. No, she doesn't deserve to be there. Love her. A really good singer. But does she? Is she better than Marvin Gaye, your oldest reading or algorithm? absolutely mad. This is bigger from black men. Seven Stevie Wonder six Ray Charles. I'm cool with that five is Mariah Carey fourth, Billie Holiday. Three Sam Cooke to Whitney and one is Aretha Franklin. Now, the reason why I wanted to bring this up because I know you didn't quite look to this list the way that I did. And now they have these 200 singers there, right? Guess who's not on the list?


At all? Who,


I'll give you five guesses. You can throw any name? I'm almost certain that you won't catch it. Unless you


one number. We'll know what number is Mariah.


Mariah. I believe she should be in the top 40 I believe she should


be in the top 10 Where is where is Whitney? She's two. Okay. And who you said was one Mariah is


five. I think Mariah was five Whitney is two and Aretha Franklin's one.


And who were Celine Dion.


She's not on here at all.


Celine Dion is not on this list.


Not on this list at all.


Wow. She's in my top five. She's not on this list of the two Celine Dion is not on this list. Here bitching


about brandy and scissor and all these other random white piece. Celine Dion is not on this list at all.


Okay, so this is not even a racist list. This is just dumb. This is a dumb list. I'll take back any racism about this because has nothing to do with racism. My


whole thing is just irrelevant. How do you do a top 200 And you completely missed that name? Like how? She's one


of the greatest vocal voices of all time, bro.


And honestly, my honestly my most famous song of all time.


The Titanic shit. Yeah. And then and then they had Beyonce at what? 825 Beyonce was eight. I thought she was in the 20 Okay, so So Beyonce is a and then he had Michael Jackson at like 8586 Right. Which to me is blasphemy. I understand that he's known more as an entertainer as a dancer and should go listen to some old Michael Jackson shit bro them I'm focusing go listen to some Jackson Five shit. Like as he got older, yeah, he went away from like, you know, I mean, actually sing into more of a being a performer. But that doesn't mean he couldn't sing. You know, he started doing that. He started doing all that bullshit. So people was like, He's not really a singer. No more. He's now an entertainer. He's a dancer. He's a choreographer he's all of this other shit. You go listen to some Jackson Five shit in his voice is remarkable.


Don't make a fucking difference. You can dance and flipping through all that if you can sing it don't matter if you can dance and do all the above you know what you are a dancer. You're not a singer. Michael Michael is an amazing singer. And this is what we're all associated that list this list was compiled by staff and key contributors at Rolling Stone was judged on originality influenced the depth of an artist catalog and the breadth of their musical legacy. That's the reason why I got that's the reason why they got like fucking I was pressing so hard, but he really deserved to be there. But the whole thing


How is Michael Jackson not that high than if Elvis Presley's high? How come Michael Jackson he


should be way above that


period. To this day thriller is still the best selling album of all time. Still.


Got a minute 86


Let the fuck out. That's why Ron is that's why these lists are relevant to me, man.


Did he talk about influence? Madonna is not on there. Jennifer Hudson. Jennifer Hudson is not on. Nat King Cole is not on it. And I think Janet Jackson not only either.


Where's where's Frank Sinatra?


I think it like 1718


You see, but what about like guys like Usher?


They're on it somewhere. Like, yeah, like it's 200 I scrolled through this whole fucking thing that I've been talking about. They're there


somewhere. You got to look you got to search for these motherfuckers though. Let's see.


I think I think I should have put on I think he might have been 100


I think I'm just if you're taking if we're talking about purely singing Celine Dion needs to be in the top five automatically, if we're talking about just the total tattly totality told tad was the word I'm trying to say bro. Totality, the totality, totality, totality just get the fucking word more of a fucking career. If we're talking about the totality of a career, Michael Jackson has to be in the top five ashes 90 We're talking about just voices. He still needs to be higher than at some he still needs to be in the top maybe 20 or 30 I know there has to lean up there were number one Selena because that girl could sing


I gotta find it. Actually was 97


I need to I need to find me Selena Selena


89 Because whether it was what was it? 89


She needs to be higher than that.


She's 80 now okay


if the if the mainstream America and know who she was at the time of her death and in addition to the girl cussing


I know but but the and in the Latin community. She was a big deal but you can't say that for like, I don't fuck with countries get hurt. It's gonna get hurt. And I don't


but I'm not saying that they shouldn't be on the list of they are saying they could be on the list. That's fine. I'm now checking for them.


Diana Ross 87. Michaels. 86. Johnny Cash is at five. Amy we've got


Michael Jackson right next to Diana Ross on the list. That's blasphemy. We were always hit but I'm not taking away away from Diana


about the musical industry that legacy the impact they have Michael at that number they got Amy Winehouse at 83. And I really like


she had a shortened career bro. She had a shortened career bro.


Harris Janis Joplin says seven. fuck out of here, bro.


Where is Hi, check us out. Where is where is James Brown?


You got to be above that. So Wilson Pickett 76 DeAngelo. 75. Kettlebell 74 Get the factor list is crazy. 73 muddy. I'm trying to find give me a second. I'm scrolling through.


And where is James Brown? Where's the brother James Brown that


they got Rihanna six years. Come on. That's


crazy. Is that because she's a billionaire? Like, let's put her in here because she's rarely successful. It's sad. It's kind of silly. And none of these people there's not one single person on this list. That was more famous or more successful than Michael Jackson. Not one.


Barry Weiss 56 Tina Turner 55 Willie Nelson's 54 Mick Jagger is 52 sides of this 51 They really really do love signing day. I focus on day I know but I'm like, she doesn't think like she released the album. She'd be like out for like eight years or at least some shit be out for a little while. release some shit at a car later. Like Saturday is good. Good for that.


So look for find out where James Brown is and tell me if Lauryn Hill was on this list.


And the other part that pissed me off like they got this list design stupid like it should be like, they have the the thing we got to click on the like, they break it down into sections and the next section goes and next section goes on. Like, they got to try to get to one section. Toni Braxton was 48 So James, we got to be above her. Maybe staples. James Brown is 44


James Brown is 44 Okay, four would you have him? I mean, he's not a better entertainer than Michael Jackson. No, maybe a better singer maybe?


No. You can you can flip flop Michael and Michael and and. And James James. James influenced Michael not the other way around. Like Michael got his that it's the whole thing is it's the James Brown show. The hair the outfits the dancing. That's Jane. That he's the godfather. So for a particular reason he he influenced is


Lauryn Hill on this list. I know she's hip hop, but she's also a singer. Prior she was a damn good one too.


If she's probably going to be lower. But I gotta find it's gonna be


you mean high on the list? Like in the 190s of some shit?


No, no. Yeah, like, Hey, I mean like that. I'm not another album out loud. I'm gonna try to find a shorter list and it doesn't really break it down like that. I find it cheap. I'm I'm very comfortable by saying the way they got this shit going. She's on here somewhere. I just can't find her number. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Just Luciano Russel Christina Aguilar was 141 I know you're gonna get mad get that system right now. Like Chris


was saying when the girl kissing she's on my top five. But the thing is about this


list and 36 was they have to Lauren hills. 130


say Lauren has 136 Yeah, but the thing about these lists any kind of list they have to define what the criterias are, you know, when you do lists we usually break down what we're looking for. Like we're looking for lyrics we're looking for this we're looking for whatever longevity whatever they have to identify they have to define what the fucking terms of being on this list are. You can just throw a list of best singers and then just have random people on the shit and not have Celine Dion on and have Michael Jackson at 86 Like, are you looking at the whole career? Are we looking at how much record sales you know? Looking at how you know with the impact of the of your domain, their influence, can they actually saying like, what are we looking at? Because this list sounds crazy to me.


Very interesting proposition. Give me one you know, I'm


saying if we're talking about, like, if we do a list of rappers and we talk about the most successful rappers Yeah, you got to put him in them. He's gonna be number one, because he's literally, you know, technically the most successful rapper of all time. He sold the most albums, etc. He's made the most money. But if we're talking about the best storytellers, or the best lyrical or the best beats or whatever, then you know the list is gonna look different.


Okay, thanks, buddy. Somebody. I found somebody got okay. You left off our Kelly to? Well, yeah, we don't forget what, again, we're just talking about music and everything else today. It's hard to do it with our Kelly. But they did it because again, that shows your own personal biases, like


you, but there's a stigma. So you know, they're not gonna mention him. There's a stigma behind his name. So they're just gonna leave him on, but I'm sure somebody brought him up when there was in a meeting and having this conversation, somebody brought him up, and then the head of the department was like, now we're gonna stay away from him. Let's see, we're not even gonna bring that up.


So I put this up so I can I can do it this way. The reason why I had issues with like, what I think is like, because I just, I think that she means a lot to a particular amount of people, but like to have marriage. The blacks are 25 I'm like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,


she's great. She's great. But there's people in the 180s that are better singers and


things like that, but she had a better career, which I understand. Let's think people shot Okay, so


if we're talking about better careers, you still haven't explained to me why is Michael Jackson 86


I didn't do the fucking list I got explained shit. I don't know if he shouldn't be that low. He should be


unless he famous check. He's the most famous on the list. Was he rich check?


was the one that influenced check fingers Yes. Yeah.


Entertainment. Check it out. He's not the best singer on the list. I'm not saying that like vocally


again that's that's a very good one. You can get Elvis right the fuck up on out of here and just give him Michael's gonna give Michael that spot.


I have no problem with flip flopping. Yeah, MJ we fucking Elvis and by the way, we didn't even mention rest in peace to Elvis his only daughter, Lisa Marie, who just fucking passed away. She died the same way he did you know with a heart attack.


That's a shame and it's only child. Oh, yeah.


And then and then there's the thing I hate to I mean, you know, you get educated but when somebody dies you start finding out she that you had no idea no one you never knew. Like I thought she had no kids. She had like four kids. I know. She was married to Michael for a couple years but I had no idea. She was also married to Nicolas Cage. He was married to Nicolas Cage for like four months.


You ever notice saying people always marry other famous people?


I know Yeah. But it doesn't work. I don't think I know. I think that works better if you marry a regular person,


but they never do. No because didn't didn't. Didn't JLo try to with the pool boy. She didn't work


yeah, Jane will try with everybody. No, you can't she can't do it. There's nothing you can do with JLo I'm sorry. No, but I'm gonna try regular person famous person singer actor don't matter who she dates is not working she happy now


she's like a bully. She knows it she I don't see I hear Wow. Are you forget that she's


already was engaged to Ben years ago and broke up?


Yeah, but it wasn't a time they probably will always kind of would have been together. But some people were just, I think maybe just wasn't ready or mature for it. Like she


didn't try it. Blacks, whites, Hispanics, rappers, singers actors. A next person might be a female. It won't be nice. I'm just throwing that out. There won't be next person. I


think she'll still bent it again.


We could put money right now. We could put money right on the air. This will not be J Lo's final relationship 50 We could do $50.50 Sounds cool. She might date women after this. She not she not she might go shoo her shot with like Michelle Rodriguez is somebody


she not leaving been Vinay leaving her they love each other. Get the


fuck you I want my money man. $50 I want my money.


Don't treat me like the fantasy because I pay up bro. Calm down. Oh, love I admitted a fantasy naked that gave you my bread. My Word has been a blur. Yo man. Taxes coming out. Yo, give me a minute. Let me let me put the check into the savings and the savings to the chickens. I get your money. No, no, no, no, no. No, we making this bet. When I have it. I'll pay. It hasn't ever been a time that we made a bet I didn't pay pretty much damnit right away. When that tips bet did not sell you literally immediately. Like tip one right? Here's your money. I don't ask that boy,


I pay up. Conversely, I pay up to you. I didn't say you did but you jumped to me like I want my money like I had. And for whatever reason, if I can't pay up with that same instance, I'll call you and I'll be like, Yo, you gotta give me a couple hours or you gotta give me till tomorrow. I gotta move some money around. You know, whatever the excuses that call you By the way,


Kelly boys saved to the checkers. I gotta move some money over here. They didn't clear it. Yay.


I got mad different accounts, man. I gotta move some shit around.


Right and I be like, I'll give you 48 hours like it don't take it. Don't take two weeks to clear $20 Now don't get my money sign. And don't let me see you on Facebook. I'm blessing No, you be blessed by these hands. Give me my money. You lost the word


show that the worst. And that the worst was somebody all your money. You see them online. I mean, he's new Jordans, exclusive shit. Limited Edition one to five. Where you get that money from?


I'll take them just write the fuck off your feet, sell them chips, get my money out and give you the rest. Like here's, here's, here's the remainder proceed minus what you owe me figure it out. I behaved that though. Like, I


just got me a new Playstation five. You


know, the funny one is when someone someone's like, I'm in like, I'm all fucked up. I can't do this. I can't do that. I can't do ABC. As we know, he's like, give me a little loan. Like, like 100 100 figured out I just got to try to get by like, in the pools in your heart, but I don't cool. He go. And two weeks later, like, I'm living having a time of my life and Cancun like fuck. Oh my god finance yo trip you broke motherfucker you


bring me back a souvenir and my money


does it charge you interest but you'd be fighting to Petitjean because you could you could just like kind of like, I guess I kind of figured out that game. What really helped out they probably go and delete it real quick. Ain't nobody gonna see it. But that's the way people love and but no, no, you deal straight up, straight up. So it's not a problem. I'm not worried about that. And the thing is that I'm not going to collect that no time soon because either you or I will be dead or one of them are going okay, so let's put a convention so we mean divorce Correct.


Are they legally married? Yes. Yeah, they're gonna break up they're gonna break up at some point in time.


Not of something so if something tragic happens the bet goes so what you're saying no, yeah, no, not if somebody dies no one right so what you're saying is that if because you're putting the blame on her was kind of sexist. That she's gonna like I'm sick of this shit. I'm out. And and if and if sad thing happens and I owe you 50 bucks.


If they get a divorce you owe me 50 bucks can we get like a time? What does that mean? That news comes out on TMZ like JLo and Ben have split I'm gonna text you


Well, I gotta I gotta pick it like like figured out when I'm like 68 years old


it's not our last day come home and when was the last time she lasted 20 years in a relationship she in anatomy I'm just doing the math bro I'm just working with the numbers and the algorithms man and it's just says is not going to last 20 years with dude was just statistics man Come on man. It's just the law of the averages man


I mean, you know either you are going to be hurt relationships


has expiration dates bro. The extra brings up with triggers tied to somebody she gets tired of you after like five years max.


That brings up a really really interesting point I was talking about at work. Do you think that that marriage is said to have expiration dates and you have to renew it every other wife is going to renew except for that one. That's that's that's valid if the one license you in government if you


still want to keep them staying married. I gotta go back and renew it. Every every I might be down. I might be down with


every license that's out there. Every license has a renewal date. A passport? Yes. 10 years you have to renew it.


Everything has poor driver's license insurance policies, everything so renewed except for


marriage license. The most important one it's the one that doesn't have an expiration Regice registrations everything, everything. Everything except for marriage license. Hmm, no expiration date. Why is that? I don't know. I think I just think that's something we should reassess as a people


and they can make money off of it because then you would have to pay a fee every time you renew it.


You know why? You know why? Because you know, all the laws in this country we've made this up because you get more money from divorce. And


that's probably what it is you that's exactly what it is. You just hit it in the head. Yeah. Because it has an expiration date would be no divorces, there'd be no divorce. There would be could they be like you know what, we're just gonna wait to the end of this. No to the license expires and we're not married anymore. Right? Exactly. Right. So that's what I'm saying divorces will be a thing of the past right? And that my friend is the reason why that doesn't exist. We just saw their own


Scooby Doo to shit without Velma.


There's too much money that gets spread around in divorces. And a lot of different people eat off of that money.


And yeah, it's to me, lawyers judges. It's too many loopholes like the license expires so you can like fuck other people for like a week. You got to renew it like okay, we back married. We back married, like baby, we wasn't together during them two days, bro. It wasn't legally married October 13. I fucked her on the 14th that was outside the See,


we was I've never, I've never cheated on you while he was married.


Exactly. It wasn't in time what license was but since it doesn't expire, cheating is gonna be cheating because you're married. But there's an expiration date. There's a little gap like, like, like a mad like, it expires and it's a holiday and I can't get to the office in time.


That's a wildly technical, then you have to come into an understanding with your partner to like, okay, when our marriage license expires, are we technically single? Until we renew it? You're not I'm saying cuz she'll be like, he wasn't legally married for that one or two days, but you were still together,


start definitely can't find it. like, Yo, did you come sign this paperwork? You're like, oh, yeah, I'm run a little bit, stole it. And every time she come, the store closed and then


and then you know what happens to? And then that opens up another Pandora's box about child support and people with kids like what happens with that, you know, I'm saying the father waits for the ship to expired and just dips on the family, then what? Well, you can still get it for child support, you're not because you get half of some, like you're not married no more. That opens up a whole box.


I mean, that's just something that has to be something that's contractually based more than anything else. Like, what are the standards that we're setting in this? Like, if you're signing like a marriage license? Well, it's a marriage license, whatever, but it's still technically a contract between two people. So it can basically set the parameters if this happens and so on and so forth. You have to pay X amount in this or whatever percentage of your salary for support and blah blah blah, so on so forth. And I think I think we're actually going to get killed during the shoot because we're just like, we're pretty much like eliminating child support court cases. We're eliminating lawyers we're really fucking with the legal system here so we're just going to stop I'm just thinking about an alligator that's why they don't do it because if somebody didn't figure this out people get killed


but yeah, let's get out of here man.


Yeah, hang on over this.


J M Barry said not in doing what you like but in liking what you do is the secret of happiness the coach check out the website the culture dot one Jeff


you ended up a quote with a white man on the King Day


That's fucked up right as racism wasn't was that racist


a white man cool going back to fitness Go Go Dan that was really super late now don't edit do not edit this shit out leave this shit right I'm not editing this edited yet leadership right the fuck in there. No no I can do no no do not take no no leave this motherfucker right there. Matter of fact Oh shoot. Oh, I didn't record it. Should it should I need it?


I need a Martin Luther King quote. Don't


Don't save it now but can't say if you don't don't do it now. He's like, no, no, I need the King quote. No, you know what? That's fine. Good Martin Luther King wanted equality amongst people so it's fine to leave a quote by Jamberry trustee equality amongst people there's always something about the King quote I did don't go looking through it don't find some


old random No, no, no, no, no. I have to end it with tomorrow.


Because you just called me racist. I know you call it the supreme said it's kind of particularly well this episode was about racism was recorded white men on Martin Luther King


Fuck that's fucking wrong. That's wrong. I gotta I gotta make this right.


Mark kings spinning them with his fucking green right now like these motherfuckers


that's wrong. I dropped the ball on that one. Between that and then Haitians shooting at you man. And that show was glass the ball was glass and I dropped it.


Shoot on that double rim rim is tight boy you gotta gotta go in.


Well, this is a similar quote but this time this one is from Martin Luther King Jr. The Dr. Martin Luther King. The King Jr. We must use time creatively in the knowledge that the time is always right to do right. Dr. King forgave me already make forgave me.


No, Jesus forgives Dr. Luther king don't. He liked He forgives. You forgive like these motherfuckers boy, I tried which I really tried which they're gonna fuck it up on my day.


Happy, MLK Day Man.




We out

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