Our Numinous Nature

KAMIKAZE HAWK, A MESSAGE FROM THE DEAD | Community Herbalist | Victoria Fillmore


Victoria Fillmore of Cedar Hill Homestead is a community herbalist in the wooded hills of central Tennessee where she homesteads with her husband, son, chickens, goats & herbs. We start our convo hearing about a rat snake in the chicken coop, the Foxfire books, poke sallet, experimenting with poisonous plants and capturing wild yeast. Then there's a massive shift from light plant talk to deep wisdom: Tori shares the story of her deceased mentor [a Lakota elder named Hawk] and his lesson-learned-too-late about dissipating others' negative energy. From there we are in the realm of animism, cleansing practices, and messages from the dead.

Check out Cedar Hill Homestead on Instagram & Facebook.

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Contact: herbaceoushuman@gmail.com