Our Numinous Nature

THE INVESTIGATION OF GHOSTS & THE ROUTING OF DEMONS | Paranormal Investigator | Linda Cassada

Linda Cassada is a paranormal investigator with VAPI: Virginia Paranormal Investigations out of Hampton, VA on the Chesapeake Bay. With her grounded & unique Christian approach, we get straight to the brass tacks of residential paranormal investigation: fake ghost reality-TV; the equipment; folks reaching out for help; theories for what ghosts are; & how 90% of cases have natural & mundane explanations. It's the remaining 10% that enters the dark waters of infinite mystery, Linda describes cases with ghost communication, activity around mirrors, & most unnerving of all when the haunting is no traditional ghost, but a malevolent entity that wreaks havoc on people & their homes.  For story time, Linda shares a terrifying personal account of just such one investigation around a grisly crime & the parasitic nature of these demonic forces. On a lighter note, she tells her Halloweeny love story about how she got into the calling through a series of events that led straight to her partner & his mutual passion for the paranormal.  We end hearing about local hot spots & accounts of some disturbing, yet comical run-ins with people in deranged states.

Check out Virginia Paranormal Investigators and Linda or the VAPI team on Instagram.

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Contact: herbaceoushuman@gmail.com