Great Battles in History

Hattin, Part 1-Introduction

Darryl Dee Season 1 Episode 3

The Battle of Hattin is the most famous battle of the Crusades. On July 4, 1187, the army of the Muslim warlord Saladin destroyed the host of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem at the Horns of Hattin. In the battle’s aftermath, Saladin overran the Crusader States. On October 2, he entered Jerusalem. Yet Hattin was not a decisive battle that ended the Crusades. It ushered in a century of renewed and intensified holy war.

 This episode begins by examining the First Crusade and the establishment of the Crusader States. Then it looks at the armies of the Crusaders and the Muslims. It traces the wars between them, which culminated in the rise of the Muslim champion Saladin.  The episode next takes the listener through the battle of Hattin to its bloody climax beneath the shadow of the Horns. It concludes by examining how Hattin led to the crescendo and climax of crusading.  

 A note to the listener: I am posting parts one to four, the first half of the Battle of Hattin episode, today. Parts five to eight will appear in the coming days. Thanks so much for your patience. I hope you enjoy the episode.