The Mess Around

34. Cultural minefield, Funeral Etiquette, Dog Shoe Update, Car Tyre Uni disaster, Tactic to bail you out at parties.

Richard Stubbs

Today we discuss etiquette & the awkward cultural moments that can arise with well meaning clods like Richard and Andrew.
Andrew experienced some Big Trouble In a Little part of China . 
Richard made a terrible cultural faux pas and learned a big lesson.
Richard's partner managed to nearly destroy a poignant funeral 
Richard calls it all part of learning to be an adult .
He is now of the belief that when you put your foot in it ,stop. You're in quicksand, struggling will only make it worse.
 Andrew's advice is to double down .Andrew explains why .
As part of his Uni , Andrew has made a film. It's fascinating but we realise he doesn't work well with others .Tragically ,he is also not getting on with his lecturers
Richard helpfully points out the common denominator .