For Vaginas Only

This is ME

September 26, 2019 Charlsie Celestine, MD Season 1 Episode 25

FINALLY I introduce myself! I am Dr. Charlsie Celestine and this is my story...
In this episode I talk about my background, how I got into medicine and the vision and purpose behind For Vaginas Only!
I also give some insight on what it takes to be an OBGYN. So, if you are high school student, college student or med student thinking of becoming a doctor this one is also for you!

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Hey, guys, Welcome to another episode of four vaginas only. What I've realized is I've never truly introduced myself on this podcast platform, which is crazy. What was I thinking? Right, So in this episode, we're gonna talk about me. I know that sounds a little self centered, but truly I just wanna introduce you guys to me. Why? I started this podcast a little bit about my journey, my history and how I hope to help you guys and how I've been, I guess, helping guys with my podcast since we started it a couple years ago. So stay tuned. This episode, if you want to listen to a little bit more about me, why I got into podcasting, how four vaginas on Lee can help you. And also a few little tip. It's talking about med school how to become a noble July N if anybody's interested in any of that. Because obviously I have ah buttload of experience in that. So let's cue the music. Hello and welcome to four vaginas. Only the podcast about everything. Female. I'm your host, Dr Celestine, bringing you important information about understanding your health and body in the way you wish your doctor would actually explain it. All right. So welcome again to four vaginas on Lee. This is my podcast. I am Dr Celestine. Dr Charles. See, Celestine is my full name. I, um, started this podcast. My first episode, Vagina Anatomy, was posted on August 11th of 2017. So I've been doing podcasting on this platform for a little bit over two years, and, you know, honestly, it's been great. I've got to meet a lot of you talked to a lot of you do interviews with a few people. The feedback that I've got in has been amazing, and we're just gonna continue to build and grow from here. But what's crazy? Yeah. So we have the foreman China's only or at four vaginas only Instagram page and the Facebook page. And I'm almost done building the website. And if you have seen that already, it's kind of ready posted on the fbo instagram page. But I've never really introduced myself on the podcast platform and then all those other platforms, but not my main thing, you know? So I figured I'd come on here and talk a little bit about me. So, uh, I am Charles E. Celestine. Um, I am a board certified obstetrician and gynecologist. Ah, what that means is basically for becoming an overjoyed I n Not only did I go to college, I did my undergrad for four years at University Park at the Pennsylvania State University, the best school in the world. And then after that, I completed four years of medical school at West Virginia University, which is where I met my husband. And then, after four years of medical school, I completed four years of residency training at what was then known as Jersey Shore University Medical Center butts, now known as Hacking Sec Meridian. And it is on the Jersey shore. So that was kind of a great place to train and also live. So after that, I did want to go into reproductive endocrinology. And infertility is those doctors that do IVF and, um, do things with fertility. But I didn't match into that specialty, So I continued on doing general over July in without trying to reapply. And, you know, sometimes I battle with that as to whether that was a great decision or not. But I think as time goes on, I'm I'm feeling like it is. So I'm pretty happy with what I'm doing right now, especially having time to do this podcast and kind of explore my creative side, which is not really easily explored in the day to day medicine life, if that makes any sense. So let's back up a little bit where I'm from. So I was born in Brooklyn, New York, so I always kind of have a little place in my heart for New York. I did grow up from the age of six in New Jersey, in Old Bridge in Jersey, to be specific, but my mom is a single mom and my A lot of my family live in New York, and she worked in New York all of my life. So a lot of my younger years were spent in Brooklyn growing up kind of with my family with my grand parents. So I kind of claim both New York and New Jersey, which some New Yorkers have a problem with. But it's what it is there all the time. So that's kind of my background going even further back. I guess I'm a first generation American born in my family. I mean, there's a lot of us now, but the generation before mine. So my mom, my grandparent's all that my dad and everything there from Trinidad and Tobago so, it turns out, is a small island just above Venezuela. And, um, you know, it's my family's Caribbean or West Indian, so my favorite food is callaloo. If anybody knows that, that is, I go back for Carnival in Trinidad. I try to go back as much as possible with work. It's not always that easy, but usually every other year, every two years, if you've seen on four vaginas only where I'm dressed up in pretty skimpy costumes, you know that's part of the deal very into dancing very into music. Then that's a little bit of kind of my passion, their love travel. I'm traveling all the time or as much as I can recently came back from a big Europe trip with my husband and some of his friends. So traveling is a huge passion of mine as well. I have a little bit of wanderlust if, uh, you know what that is. Remember my friend Geraldine and I kind of when we first discovered that term in high school We've always kind of been using it ever since. We it's hard to sit still, but we make it work so touching back a little bit on my professional journey. There's a whole thing going on on Instagram right now. Talking about med students and what it takes to become a doctor is maybe not what everyone thinks it takes its under the hashtag dear med student. And, you know, I kind of fall under that category. I did not. I took So the m cat. I took it twice when I was in college, and I got the same exact score, Huh? I took it the second time, thinking I could get a higher score, but that didn't really work out for me. And then I had a kind of traumatic experience around the time that I was taking Step one. So I ended up taking Step one twice as well, which, if you're in medical school and you're trying to become a doctor, so to become an M. D, you have to take step one step two on and Step three, usually little bit after you graduate medical school in order to kind of finish out your med school training Step two and step three where a breeze, You know, it was much I was in a happier, better place in life. Nothing traumatic was going on. I did really well there. But, you know, the whole Hashtag Year Med student thing is kind of just talking about the fact that you're more than a number, which I always used to say when I was interviewing when I was just in med school, when I was even now I just think that med schools and fellowship programs and all that put just way too much weight on your score. There are some really smart people out there that don't really get great test scores with their amazing doctors. So you know, I wouldn't. You're more than a number. Just try as hard as you can, Obviously, because thescore zehr still important. Um, in a lot of steps in your life, I'm glad I'm kind of out of the realm of where my scorers really matter anymore. Because I'm way more than that. I've done with more than that. I've been a great doctor, too many patients and, you know, and talking with you guys on four vaginas only these things are invalid. Invaluable, but yeah, um, overdue. And boards? Once you're in residency for the four years, you do have to take a few Cree OG exams. Just kind of like in service test you take every year just to see where you compare against other residency program students, I suppose. And then you do. You're overjoyed and boards of written boards right after you finish your residency and crush that I'm just saying. And then then I recently took the oral boards last December, and although I was super nervous, I also crushed that. I think that's because I truly have a passion for over joy n for Dina cult gynecology. You know, I kind of have a tendency to like an ecology more than obstetrics. But obstetrics is cool, too, and, you know, just vaginas in general. So that's how four vaginas only was born. So I decided, Or, you know, I've come in contact with many doctors that are 100 just cold. They either hide things from you. They kind of don't tell it like it is or the sugar code. And I've experienced that growing up as ah child going to the doctor now That doesn't happen to me as much going to the Opa joy in at least because I know what I'm supposed to experience. But I decided I don't want to be one of those doctors. Everybody out there, I think, is smart enough, at least to the point where they need to understand what's happening with their body. I don't need to explain it with medical jargon that's unnecessary. It's unnecessary to try to sound smart all the time. It's more necessary to speak to somebody in general terms so they can understand what's going on with their body. I hate when somebody comes to me and they don't even know what surgeries they've had done. You know, they didn't really understand what the doctor was telling them, even after the surgery or before the surgery. To me, that is unacceptable. At least what happened to your body or what's happening to your body. You need to understand it. You don't need to understand everybody else's body, you know, forget that that's not as important. But you need to understand yourself and as a female that's part of the empowerment process and I am all about that, so that is why I started. For me, it is only there's too much misinformation out there and too many people not understanding what's going on with their own bodies. So f v o was born out of that. Um, also, I just like to talk a lot. I love to talk about things that I am passionate about. If you couldn't tell by my little rant just now, and I'm very passionate about gynecology, so I really felt like this was a good platform for me. Some people have asked why haven't I done YouTube? You know, I don't always have makeup on. My hair is always not presentable for YouTube. I don't like to see my face on a screen. Really? So I thought a podcast was a great way to start. And the feedback I've gotten from a lot of you guys has been great. I love it. And I hope to continue doing this for quite a long time. So how I can help you. I think anybody that's listening to four vaginas on Lee what you're gonna get out of this and what you're gonna get out of me is honest talk, honest talk about riel women situations, and Rhea women problems. And you get really answers from a doctor who has trained in this, and I'm gonna tell it like it is. I'm just like you. That's the one thing that I think the public needs to be aware of. You guys listen for vaginas only. You hear my antics? I am a little silly. I'm a little sarcastic, You know? I'm a girl born in Brooklyn, raised in Jersey. I don't really have. I'm not pretentious by any means. I am just like you. Sometimes I wear my skimpy clothes for carnival. You know, I like to go out. I like to vacation. It's just me and you talking. Yeah, I'm gonna be joy in. I trained in this. I have a lot of experience. Um, I haven't even told you guys. I graduated residency in 2016 so I've been I did four years of training there, and now I've been out of residency for about three years. So about eight years total of experience in this field and counting because I'm only getting older, but real fax from a real doctor. I'm 33 years old. I'm a little hip, not too old I have it. The times haven't passed me. I'm still on instagram. So on Facebook, I'm still, you know, listening and reading about pop culture. And I'm just like you. I just know a little bit more about vaginas. And I'd like to share that knowledge with you guys so you can know just as much as I d'oh! And that's it. That's me, Dr Charles. See Celestine and the Four Vaginas only podcast. How I came to be where I'm at today. Um and that's it. So thank you guys. So much for listening. I hope you learned a little bit more about me. If you want to see my day to day activity, you can go toe at four vaginas on Lee on Instagram, also on Facebook for vaginas. Onley dot com is also a Web site that I've been building. I haven't officially posted it yet because I feel like there's a few more things I want to add to it, but it is live and active. If you want to listen to the podcast there and read a little bit more about me there as well and we have some very exciting things coming up, I have a couple of interviews, one with a sex health specialists that I'm gonna be interviewing soon. I have a postpartum experiences podcast episode that's coming out soon with a couple of people that I know that it deliver babies and want to talk about what that is about. So stay tuned for lots more from four vaginas only. We are not done yet. And I love you guys. Thank you for listening, but by

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