Inspiring People: Environmental Funders Network

Inspiring People: Rewilding, with Ben Goldsmith, Isabella Tree, Derek Gow and Alastair Driver

Emma Season 1 Episode 1

Inspiring People: Rewilding was recorded by the Environmental Funders Network as part of a series to highlight the vital role of philanthropy in solving environmental and climate issues. In this episode, Ben Goldsmith, a committed and passionate environmental philanthropist, speaks to Isabella Tree (Knepp Estate, author of ‘Wilding - the return of nature to a British farm’), Alastair Driver (conservationist, Director of Rewilding Britain), and Derek Gow (ecologist, reintroduction specialist, farmer). Their fascinating conversation weaves in the links to COVID-19 and climate change; iconic species such as the white stork, wolves and beavers; and the critical role for philanthropy in rewilding our landscapes.