Inspiring People: Environmental Funders Network

How Environmental Issues Drive Infectious Diseases

Environmental Funders Network Season 1 Episode 9

Listen to this fascinating international discussion with speakers dialling in from the Gambia, UK, Vietnam and Zambia: Dr Kris Murray, Associate Professor of Environment and Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; Anna Jones, Head of Forests, Greenpeace UK; James Compton, Head of TRAFFIC’s Wildlife TRAPS Project; and Markus Hofmeyr, Programme Officer for Wildlife Conservation & Trade, Oak Foundation

Our engagement with animals and the habitats we share plays a critical role in our global health security. Emerging human diseases are rarely new, they are often ‘zoonotic’: established pathogens moving to humans from other animals. Around 60% of all infectious diseases are zoonotic, with Covid-19 being one in a long line throughout our history. To reduce the risk of future pandemics, we need a long-term vision, one that enables us to fundamentally transform our relationship with the natural world. What role can philanthropy play in this?