The BlunderBus

Episode Six: Pete Greenwood and the Fear of Abandonment

October 11, 2021 Edward Vaughan Season 4 Episode 6

Pete Greenwood is planting Inner West Church in Flemington in Melbourne. His church is using a 'Missional Church Model', a very popular approach to church planting which requires a high investment from all those on the team, but one which can produce some great results.

In this episode Pete, (who is also City to City Catalyst for Melbourne West) reflects on a key blunder that he made in planting this church. It has to do with his expectations of his team. Pete calls it 'an overly realised 'visionology'! It's what Dietrich Bonhoeffer described as 'loving the vision of community more than the community itself'.

And Pete is super vulnerable about the need to 'preach the Gospel to himself'. That's a phrase that comes from Tim Keller, and describes the task of allowing the good news of Jesus to uncover the idols of our hearts. Oh so necessary! And oh so painful.

This series is brought to you by City to City Australia, and the 'Revitalise Australia' project. CTCA estimate that there are approximately 3000 Bible based, Gospel centred churches in Australia which are plateaued or declining. 'Revitalise Australia' is an ambitious project to see those churches rediscover life, health and purpose. You can watch a video of City to City founder Tim Keller talking about the 'Revitalise Australia' project here.

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