Melanated Mom

Dismantling Racism in the Education System

Melanated Mom Season 4 Episode 40

I have been on a little hiatus and this was the perfect episode to return with. Y'all know I ride hard for kids around here and with the state of the world today we have to figure out how we can correct our education system so that each group is represented equally and fairly. I am sickened by a lot of what I have seen go on in the education system for many Black and Brown children, including my own. I have been blessed to have a lot of moms in this fight for equality with me and four of them are joining me on this episode.

Talking points

  1. How racism affects students even when they are not cognizant (depending on age and experience students may not even be aware this is happening) Time stamp (12:05)
  2. Thoughts concerning the School to Prison Pipeline Time stamp (22:07)
  3. Performative Allyship Time stamp (41:32)
  4. How do we as mothers protect Black and Brown children that we witness injustice happening to Time stamp (51:00)

Check out my guest on their personal platforms:

Connect with Juvonne who is half of Reality Bites Podcast at

Connect with Anna on her blog for reading books and listening to podcast

Connect with Deanna on her blogging journey as she explores following her musical journey

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