Melanated Mom

Protecting Black Women and Girls

Season 4 Episode 48

Before I dive into the show notes I want to invite you to join me this Sunday 9/20/20 for a FREE EVENT! In collaboration with Dem Black Mamas Podcast we will be hosting Matinees with Mamas. Black Mamas come enjoy an afternoon of diving into how we see ourselves in this film that centers a Black women dealing with love and loss. Bring your mimosas and get ready for tons of giveaways. I can't wait to meet you there! Here is the link to sign up

I wasn't putting an episode out this week, but my husband came to save the day!

Let's talk about what it feels like to be protected. As Black women I don't think it is enough to talk about how unprotected we feel we must also speak to what makes us feel that protection from Black men, other Black women and the world as a whole. Join as we talk about the problems and ways that we think we can solve them. Having these conversations in our communities is vital to preserving the relationships in the Black community and showing those outside of our communities how to show up for us as well.

Stay connected to Rondelle and her fabulous community! Below are more places you can find her:
Life Coach for Women:
Caribbean Cooking:
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