Deep Conversations Podcast

adam Lanman-Artist/Architect And Owner Of atelieraL-Segment 2

October 28, 2017 Real, Meaningful Conversations From The Real World
In this segment, adam and I continue the conversation as we hear from him about his new project space and what he envisions for the future there. He speaks about the significance of this new space being in the Paseo Arts District and why it is such an ideal place for this concept to take form. adam reflects on how one of the most important professional influences in his life taught him how “people are more important than buildings” and how this new space will reflect that emphasis on people and communities. He provides us with a visual representation of how professionals can pool their resources, knowledge, and tools to help the public create projects that serve communities and bring people together. As we wrap up this segment, adam speaks about a financially sustainable model that fuels his concept for a project space and empowers neighborhoods and communities. He makes a very important point about how community projects must “fill the void” left when community programs disappear. adam adds that we have way more than we realize as a community and that we can apply creative, entrepreneurial thinking to “put the pieces together and make it happen”. This is where his creative passion lies: To creatively fill the void, spark innovation, and bring communities and people together through placemaking.