Deep Conversations Podcast

Danny Joe Rose-Segment 1

December 13, 2017 Real, Meaningful Conversations From The Real World
In this episode, Jeff sits down to visit with Danny Joe Rose, a local artist whose work is deeply rooted in the natural world, combining nature and abstraction. Using mediums of paint, digital, and sculpture. His paintings usually start from a quick sketch. He draws in an automatic way, allowing shapes and compositions to arise freely. The places that emerge in his work are loosely based on places he has been and places he has created. We begin as he speaks about how his process and his work has evolved over the years and about what he is working on currently in preparation for his next exhibit and then hear from him about his upcoming exhibition at [Artspace] at Untitled called Strange Tide that opens on January 13th. He shares a very interesting perspective about the relationship between the mind and the work itself, and he then reflects upon his own experiences as he works in his studio and how he deals with those challenges on a moment-to-moment basis. He talks about how easy it is to give into the tendency to "chase" and try to re-create another good moment where everything just simply came together in the past and how he tries to just allow himself to feel however he does in the moment as he creates his various works. We continue as he talks about what he is really enjoying about being here in OKC and how moving here has changed his perspective and about how he feels more moved to be out in the community more and meeting other artists and seeing their work as well. We also hear from Danny Joe about his upcoming work as a visiting Professor teaching graphic design and as an artist-in-residence at OCU this coming year. We wrap up this segment where we discuss more about the "inner experience" of creating art, how that has affected him on a human level, and what he has learned through the process of growth and evolution as an artist over the years. He also makes a very important point that his finished works reflect different points in time along the way as he created them where he felt all different kinds of emotions which changed over time. Danny's Bio- Danny Rose received his BFA from the Art Institute of Dallas in 2012. Between 2014 and 2015, Rose lived in Indonesia, teaching art and design at the Chandra Kusuma International School. Rose's work has been included at The Beeville Art Museum, Oliver Francis Gallery, The Lexington Art League and others. His solo show “The Sun Shines Blue” opened at Galleri Urbane in the summer of 2016, followed by his show “Majic Eyes,” which opened in Jan 2017 at The Eisemann Center for Performing Arts. In January 2017 He was an artist-in-residence at The Guapamacátaro Center for Art and Ecology and most recently an artist-in-residence at Artspace Untitled. Beginning in January 2018 he will be a visiting professor and artist-in-residence at Oklahoma City University. View Danny Joe's Website at View information about his upcoming exhibition, Strange Tide, at [Artspace] at Untitled at