Deep Conversations Podcast

Philip Baker-CEO Of Staplegun

Real, Meaningful Conversations From The Real World
In this episode, Jeff sits down with Philip Baker, CEO of Staplegun, a full service advertising agency with its headquarters in downtown Oklahoma City. We begin by hearing the story of how Philip and his business partner, Brent McCutchen, started Staplegun in their home offices and then continue with him sharing some stories from his earlier life and about how he got started in the advertising business. He shares some stories about how different the advertising business was when he started and then reflects about how much things have changed in the business. Philip then talks about the importance of planning and in developing a deeper overall understanding in order to create an effective strategy as in the earlier years of his career before the advent of computer technology, there was an inherent need to take time to plan the work and to think more deeply before starting a project. He talks about how they embrace and practice the importance of proper and careful planning on all client projects at Staplegun. As the conversation continues, Philip shares his perspective on how all of the changes in the media landscape have impacted how business, advertising, and public relations are done these days. He speaks to the importance of "being relevant when relevancy is needed and timeliness when timeliness is needed" and striking a balance between deep, creative thought and careful planning with the ability to be nimble and to react quickly when it is called for. We then transition into a discussion about the thought that went into planning their current space on the 19th and 20th Floor of the City Place building in downtown Oklahoma City and how it was centered around a focus on creating a workplace that portrays who they are and also helps them to attract and retain the best talent. Philip then shares some of the lessons that they have learned through the process of designing and working within their office space. As the interview wraps up, Philip shares his perspective on the big picture regarding the changes that we are seeing in the economy and how it is affecting the overall media landscape as well as some of his thoughts on the continued growth and the positive things here in Oklahoma City with so many exciting developments that have happened recently and that are on the horizon. He then speaks about how they try to honor and live the traditional values of keeping their promises and empowering their employees by having a supportive work environment that also challenges them to continue to improve and to do their best. They also put a considerable amount of focus on encouraging their employees to get involved and to be a part of the community, to give back, and to help out in several very meaningful ways. Contact Info- 204 N. Robinson Ave., Suite 2000 Oklahoma City, OK. 73102 405-601-9430