Deep Conversations Podcast

Katelynn Knick

Real, Meaningful Conversations From The Real World
In this episode, Jeff sits down with local artist Katelynn Knick on a late winter evening outside the Art Hall at 23rd and Walker in The Uptown District and hears from her about some of her current work, about her recent house art show called “You’re in my bubble,” and about the increased popularity of artists having exhibitions in their homes and why that is happening. They continue the conversation as Katelynn talks about her life journey, how she got started as an artist and what inspired her to do the work in the way that she does, and how she has evolved as an artist over the past few years. For more information about Katelynn and to see some of her recent and past works, go to ARTIST STATEMENT Inspired by abstract expressionism, DIY techniques, and daydreaming, I use color combinations, mark-making, and movement to explore the idea of space. Growing up I was always inspired by my father, an artist at heart and a draftsman by career, who would destroy and rebuild the spaces in our home to better suit our interests. Living in a home that was always physically changing changed the way I perceived and interacted with the spaces around me. As an artist, I am inspired by this and find myself creating and altering my own spaces. Each space is ambiguous and unique to the person who enters it. I use playful color combinations and the movement of layering various marks and shapes to create an imagined space that is subtle, yet confrontational and inviting. Ambiguous clusters of marks and colors, thin lines that draw lingering connections, and lumpy overlapping forms all collectively create associations, sensations, and experiences that vary, offering a unique, connection to be formed. Recently I’ve been using drawings and paintings as maps, to then create objects and installations with the purpose of expanding the experience of abstract painting and creating an environment that can be physically explored. This area of my work allows me to experiment with materials and use the space around me as a site specific, temporary canvas. BIOGRAPHY Born in Tulsa, OK. Currently living and creating in Oklahoma City, OK. Katelynn received her BFA in Studio Art from the University of Oklahoma in 2015. Her work has been exhibited at MAINSITE Contemporary Art and the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art in Oklahoma, and Casp 5 & J Gallery in Texas.