Be Boujee Be True Be You

#9: Taking Responsibility For Our Mistakes & Holding Ourselves Accountable - Why It Is SO Important & Why It Can Have More Impact Than The Initial Mistake

Charlotte Jones Season 2 Episode 9

When it comes to making a mistake, no matter how big or small, I feel we are so conditioned to believe that making the mistake is the worst thing that we can do, but what has become apparent recently is, how the mistake is handled by the person that made it is actually SO much more important for so many reasons.

We are all human and we are all going to make a mistake of some kind throughout our life (I know I have), but the longer we try and hide our mistakes and cover them up, the more damage this can create long term.

I would love to know your thoughts on how you feel it is best to deal with a mistake of any kind. My instagram is @charlottejonespresents.