Recruitment in the modern world

How to improve recruitment practices: Afrah Qassim of Savera UK

June 13, 2023 Afrah Qassim Season 5 Episode 33

Anthony Haynes writes: Hearing how organizations have worked to improve their recruitment practices can be both fascinating and instructive.

Savera UK is a leading charity working to end ‘honour’-based abuse (HBA) and other culturally specific abuse and harmful practices in the UK. It campaigns to eliminate all such practices for good, while also providing life-saving direct intervention services to survivors and those at risk.

In this episode, Afrah Qassim (Savera UK's Founder & CEO, pictured) explains the challenges of recruiting successfully to a small team. She tells the story of how the organisation has changed its processes in order to attract a field of candidates that is larger, more appropriate, and better informed.


Savera UK's website is here:

Further listening

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Sound production: Bart Hallmark
Music: Harry Chalmers

Finally, what we do

FJ Wilson Talent Services provides recruitment and talent development services and also coaching for individuals.

We specialise in professional roles at mid or senior level, Our core market comprises organisations for professionals - typically membership bodies, learning providers, and awarding bodies.

To find out more about our services and to contact us, visit our website

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