
Go Big or Go Home Part 4. "Frog Selection for a Large Format Vivarium" with Troy Goldberg

Dan Drobates

Have you ever dreamed of building a giant, naturalistic vivarium for your frogs? What does it take to construct, scape, plant and stock a 48 cubic foot vivarium (4ft by 2ft by 6ft)? In this  4 part series we will build a hypothetical large format vivarium from the ground up and address the challenges and rewards that go along with it!

In this episode (Part 4), I am joined by Troy Goldberg and we discuss some of the frog  choices that are appropriate for a Large Format Vivarium. We discuss communal settings in a larger tank, feeding strategies and we compare and contrast different species of dart frog, tree frog, atelopus, and glass frog. 

If you would like to purchase a tank from In Situ Ecosystems and get 10% off your purchase for being a listener. Click and make your purchase through this link.

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