
2022 AmphibiCast Yule-Tide Spectacular w/ Mike Tytula

Dan Drobates

One of the best things about podcasting is being able to chat with like-minded people about the things you enjoy most.  2022 has been a great year for the Podcast and as the year comes to an end, I'd like to thank all my guests and listeners for the support. 

In this special holiday episode, I am joined once again by Mike Tytula and we talk about the reptile and amphibian hobbies, the challenges that go along with creating content, his newly imported oophaga histrionica, and what it's like to be the only person in Canada to work with certain reptile and amphibian species.  We end the show with a few laughs and a candid discussion about how Canadians and New Yorkers celebrate Christmas. (hint- they don't eat lasagna in Canada)....

Thanks everyone for a wonderful year. New episodes will debut in 2023!

To support AmphibiCast by becoming a Patron, for Frog Merch, for a 10% listener discount on In Situ Ecosystems vivarium purchase and to support Panamanian Frog Conservation visit:

Thanks again to Mike Tytula AlphaReptile -and be sure to follow him on Instagram and Subscribe on Youtube.