101 Ways To Save The Planet

Radically Trusting Indigenous Communities with Health in Harmony

July 17, 2023 Bonnie & Madeleine Season 3 Episode 2
101 Ways To Save The Planet
Radically Trusting Indigenous Communities with Health in Harmony
Show Notes

Welcome to a new day dedicated to saving the planet (but we really mean, saving us). We appreciate you joining us on your journey to live in greater alignment with our precious Earth. Today, we are talking to Health in Harmony’s Chief Innovation and Programs Officer about working with indigenous communities to promote conservation and combat deforestation through a concept called radical listening. 

A few key takeaways you'll get from this episode:

  1. Learn how Health in Harmony follows indigenous community-designed solutions to conservation issues around the world, employing a process called "radical listening," which involves deeply listening to communities and trusting their stated needs and priorities. 
  2. Understand how current perception of interconnected issues (like conservation, healthcare, social justice or women’s rights) as separate creates obstacles for nonprofits to secure vital funding. .
  3. Discover how indigenous communities possess valuable solutions to climate change, as they have nurtured a harmonious relationship with nature for centuries and possess extensive knowledge on environmental protection.

Our favorite quotes:

  1. "And what we've found is in Indonesia, by investing in solutions within the first five years, the rain forest stabilized. And when a rain forest stabilizes, it can start rewilding and regrowing."
  2. "Indigenous peoples and local communities are the best protectors of high-conservation-value, varying forests."

Learn more: