101 Ways To Save The Planet

Saving the planet by removing "Sacrifice Zones" (with Maya Van Rossum, author of The Green Amendment)

February 10, 2021 Season 1 Episode 15

Our conversation with Maya van Rossum, Founder of the Green Amendment movement, Is a conversation about fighting for something positive and SIMPLE: The right for all people to have clean water, pure air, safe environments and stable climates. Maya discusses the importance of getting clear language into state and federal constitutional bills of rights that support our right to breath, drink, eat and live without facing health consequences caused by environmental degredation. 

We also approach the topic of inequality and how that inequality manifests  via how different communities water and air is being protected. The irony is that how no matter who she is fighting in her work to create protections for these basic rights, she knows she’s actually fighting for her enemy's health and happiness, and all people's everywhere. 

Where to find Maya and The Green Amendment: