101 Ways To Save The Planet

Saving the Planet by Regenerative Travel (David Leventhal owner of Playa Viva regenerative resort)

Season 1 Episode 20

David Leventhal walks us through why we need to go beyond “leave no trace” and start to clean up the mess that generations have left. Focusing ourresources when we travel to go towards creating a better future by our impact on the paces we visit. At the heart of this cleanup is the Idea of regeneration. Not just sustaining where we are, but replenishing the people and places that we interact with. We talk about the positive feedback loops built into the dinning and the turtle sanctuary by the presence of guests on the land. Learn how to invest your travel dollars wisely with Regenerative Travel, a network that helps you locate resorts like Playa Viva that are doig this work. 

Where to learn more about playa viva: 

 Website: https://www.playaviva.com/

Their core values: https://www.playaviva.com/about/history

Instagram: @ Playaviva https://www.instagram.com/playaviva/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/playaviva

Regenerative Travel: https://www.regenerativetravel.com/