101 Ways To Save The Planet

Saving the Planet by Coming Home to Ourselves (with Transformation Coach, Kim Mellor)

June 30, 2021 Season 2 Episode 2

Transformation Coach, Manifesting QUEEN and New Earth leader, Kim Mellor, is on a mission to empower, lead and inspire womxn from all walks of life to uncover their soul, live their truth and own their magic. She does this through her network marketing business Arbonne, her 5 star podcast ‘The Soul Digger’ and her coaching programmes - including her new group coaching programme MAGNETIC - launching July 11!

Prior to doing this work, Kim was a model for more than two decades. Like many of us, she knew there was magic inside of her but never quite knew how to access it. After years of disconnection, she was able to reconnect to herself and become all that she knew she could be.

Today she is living and working remotely from Bali, truly living her dream and pursuing her passion every day to empower others to THEIR highest vision, freedom and joy - elevating consciousness and believing wholeheartedly in a better future for people and the planet.

  • Catch up on The Soul digger podcast - https://www.buzzsprout.com/929917
  • Follow Kim on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kimmellor_/
  • Find  her coaching programmes and more: https://www.kimmellor.com/