101 Ways To Save The Planet

Saving the Planet by Supporting Travel Destinations (With Jessica Blotter, CEO & Co-Founder of Kind Traveler)

July 15, 2021 Season 2 Episode 3

After an inspired trip to Belize, Kind Traveler soon-to-be co-founders, Jessica Blotter and Sean Krejci, were left with a question: How can we make it easy for travelers to give back to the communities and destinations that hey love so that they might able to leave the destination better than before they arrived? The question inspired them to found KindTraveler.com, the world's first Give + Get hotel booking platform that empowers travelers to positively impact local communities and the environment in the destinations they visit. Travelers unlock special rates and perks when they give a $10 nightly donation to a locally vetted charity that positively impacts the visiting destination, or to a charity of choice on Kind Traveler. 100 percent of donations go to charity.