Moony Birth Stories

Brandi Jacobson Prentice- Pregnancy and Birth with Crohn’s Disease; One Scheduled C-Section and One Emergency C-Section with Twins and NICU experience

September 11, 2020 Teagan McMeekin Season 1 Episode 10

Brandi joins us on this episode of Moony Birth Stories to share pregnancy and birth stories of her first daughter, Maeva, and her twin daughters, Bailey and Ariella.  Brandi has had Crohn’s Disease for many years and knew that she could have a difficult time getting pregnant.  Her doctor told her she should be able to get pregnant but Brandi didn't want to get her hopes up.  Luckily, she was able to get pregnant naturally without issues.  Due to her Crohn’s Disease, she has a history of multiple abdominal surgeries and was told prior to getting pregnant, that any future delivery would have to be via c-section to avoid straining or disrupting her digestive system.  She was able to have a smooth scheduled c-section with her first and describes what that experience was like.  However, with her second pregnancy, she was surprised when she went into labour very early and progressed quickly.  She laboured naturally and unmedicated until she was fully dilated and had to have an emergency c-section to avoid pushing.  After delivering the twins early, they needed to stay in the NICU for some time and even had to be split up and in different hospitals.