Moony Birth Stories

PARTNER PERSPECTIVE Rob Horsley- One Hospital Birth with Failed Epidural and Premature Twins with Difficult Pregnancy, Placental Abruption

Teagan McMeekin Season 1 Episode 13

This is the first partner perspective episode of Moony Birth Stories!  It features Rob Horsely, sharing his wife's pregnancy and birth stories of his three children from his perspective.  The pregnancy with their first, Charlotte, was pretty smooth and they had a relatively uncomplicated vaginal birth in hospital but the epidural didn't work.  Sadly, after their first daughter, they suffered two miscarriages before becoming pregnant with their twin sons.  This pregnancy was much more challenging and they encountered a few scares along the way, including two partial placental abruptions during pregnancy.  The boys, Sebastian and Connor ended up being born in hospital at 34 weeks and required some time in the NICU.  Rob shares his experiences navigating this journey with his wife Courtney.