Moony Birth Stories

Amanda Ellis- Low-lying Placenta, One Hospital Birth with Epidural, Baby Born with Limb Differences

Teagan McMeekin Season 1 Episode 14

Amanda joins us for this episode of Moony Birth Stories to share the pregnancy and birth story of her son Cade. Amanda was able to get pregnant in about 6 months of trying, after having one chemical pregnancy at the 5 month mark.  She struggled with constant nausea for the first trimester but it quickly subsided as she entered second trimester.  She enjoyed about a month of pregnancy before being surprised after her 20 week anatomy scan with the news that there was an issue with their baby's hand.  The scan showed that Cade was missing fingers on his left hand.  This was difficult news to process and affected the rest of her pregnancy in many ways.  Amanda ended up going into labour two weeks early and had a relatively uncomplicated hospital birth with an epidural for pain relief.  After three hours of pushing, her sweet little boy arrived, surprising them with another limb difference of his right foot.  Amanda talks about how this path has led her to become an advocate for limb differences, bringing awareness to the topic by sharing her own experiences through her blog