Moony Birth Stories

Raquel Caffet- Four Hospital Births, Induction, Placental Abruption, Gestational Hypertension

October 12, 2020 Teagan McMeekin Season 1 Episode 16

Raquel Caffet, from Spiritwood, Saskatchewan, joins me on this episode of Moony Birth Stories to share her four pregnancy and birth stories.  Her first pregnancy was a surprise that happened early on in her relationship with her now husband. It was a smooth pregnancy but Raquel was very fearful of pain as labour approached.  After reaching 10 days overdue, she was induced and delivered her first daughter after epidural complications and a long period of pushing.  Baby number two was also a surprise for the couple and Raquel had another smooth pregnancy.  Again, overdue, she was induced and delivered their second child but had a placental abruption.  After this birth, Raquel struggled with a period of postpartum depression and was able to work through it with the support of a councilor.  With baby number 3, Raquel had a much more difficult pregnancy suffering many more symptoms and the baby remained breach until the end of pregnancy.  Raquel was again induced and had a successful epidural for this birth.  Her final pregnancy and birth happened during the Covid-19 pandemic which made for a much different experience as she wasn't able to have many in-person visits with her healthcare providers.  She developed gestational hypertension later in the pregnancy and was ultimately induced before her due date.