Moony Birth Stories

Jenn Warkentin- Two Hospital Births with Epidural, Post-labour Hemorrhage with Threatened Hysterotomy, Postpartum Depression

Teagan McMeekin Season 1 Episode 18

Jenn Warkentin of Spiritwood, SK, shares her two pregnancy and birth stories in this episode.  Her first pregnancy was a surprise as they weren't trying at the time and she was taking the birth control pill.  She had a very easy and comfortable pregnancy with no issues.  At the end of her first pregnancy, she had to unexpectedly transfer to a new healthcare provider from Regina, SK, where she would be delivering.  This was a family doctor who "delivers babies for fun" and turned out to be incredibly negligent and unprofessional.  Jenn ended up being induced with Cervadil at 10 days overdue and struggled through a long and challenging labour due to the lack of care provided by her new doctor.  She also suffered severe blood loss after the delivery and was told she may need a hysterectomy.   Luckily, this didn't end up needing to happen and she ultimately recovered.  Jenn opens up about the postpartum depression she experienced after this birth and the treatment she received to get through it.  Jenn went on to get pregnant with their second child and have another great pregnancy.  This time she was supported by a wonderful OB who'd ultimately helped her with her first.  Her labour was much smoother this time and she didn't experience postpartum depression again.