Moony Birth Stories

Kelsey Beler- Unmedicated Hospital Birth after Infertility Struggles and PCOS Diagnosis and Intro to FAM with Tarina Mosley

Teagan McMeekin Season 1 Episode 19

This episode features Kelsey Beler from Saskatoon, SK.  After being diagnosed with PCOS, Kelsey and her husband Jeremy tried to conceive  for almost three years before deciding to see a specialist.  With the support of their specialists, fertility meds and follicle tracking they continued to try.  It was near the 5 year mark of trying that they were blessed to get their first ever positive pregnancy test and go on to have a happy and healthy pregnancy and birth.  For much of their journey, Kelsey followed Natural Family Planning methods to track her cycles and ovulation.  Tarina Mosley, creator of Fertility Freedom and a FAM (Fertility Awareness Method) educator from Rocky Mountain House, AB joins me at the end of the episode to expand on and introduce these methods. @kels.june @fertilityfreedom 🌙