Moony Birth Stories

Maria Fradette- Unmedicated Homebirth with Midwife

Teagan McMeekin Season 1 Episode 22

This episode of Moony Birth Stories features Maria Fradette, from Saskatoon, SK.  Maria and her husband Lance conceived their son  when she was in the middle of completing her Master's degree.  The pregnancy came as a welcomed surprise as they hadn't necessarily been trying at the time.  They had, however, known there was a chance they could get pregnant based on the method of birth control they were using.  Maria had a difficult time during her first trimester when she had to immediately stop taking some medications that she had been on for some time.  The adjustment was difficult but things improved a lot by the second trimester.  Maria and Lance decided early on, under the care of a midwife, that they'd like to have a homebirth.  They prepared for this plan and it was put into motion a couple of days before Maria's due date when labor started unexpectedly and on it's own.