Moony Birth Stories

Kalli Redekop- One Vaginal Birth of Identical Twins in Hospital with NICU Stay

November 23, 2020 Teagan McMeekin Season 1 Episode 23

This episode features Kalli Redekop from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.  Kalli and her husband Tim were married for several years before deciding they were ready to start trying for a baby.  They ended up getting pregnant on their first cycle of trying, which surprised them, and the surprises kept coming as they then found out they were having twins, and later that the twins were identical.  Kalli had an amazing pregnancy as far as symptoms and comfort went but she'd always imagined having a homebirth so it was definitely challenging to be having a "high-risk" pregnancy and accept all of the medical monitoring and interventions that came along with that.  She wanted to do whatever she could to avoid induction and managed to hold of long enough to have her water break and have labour start on it's own.  Kalli shares the story of her vaginal birth and the experience immediately after when unexpected complications arose and they ended up in NICU with both babies.