Moony Birth Stories

Serena Hamilton- One Vaginal Birth in Hospital with Midwife and Epidural; PCOS

November 28, 2020 Teagan McMeekin Season 1 Episode 24

On this episode of Moony Birth Stories, Serena Hamilton from Kelowna, British Columbia shares the pregnancy and birth story of her daughter Rhiannon.  Serena had been taking the birth control pill for several years and after going off of it, things seemed normal for a few months. Soon, unfortunately, she stopped getting her period and was diagnosed with PCOS.  She saw a specialist who started her on medication and monitored her with bloodwork.  Over a year and a half after stopping the pill, she was finally able to get pregnant but sadly suffered two miscarriages before becoming pregnant with Rhiannon several months later.  Her pregnancy was relatively smooth but she suffered from severe heartburn and ended up needing to be on medication to control it.  At 5 days overdue, her water broke while on the toilet in the night and it was go time!